Bad Houseguest

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Lincoln and Lola looked very revolted by Loona's little... surprise in the family toilet. Lola could feel her last meal starting to build up in her tummy and held it in her mouth before she can even vomit it all out. Obviously, throwing up in the toilet was a no-go for... obvious reasons. An idea came to Lola's head and she went tot he kitchen trash to let it all out of her mouth, a lot of it. It didn't take long for the other family members to wake up from the sound of the screaming before, and Lynn Sr was the first one to come to the bathroom. "Oh my stars and garters" he exclaimed. "What happened here?!" then the other sisters and Rita came in the and also screamed and reacted in disgust.

"Big poo poo." Lily pointed

"Lana, you can do something about that, can you?" asked Rita

"I can." Lana smiled. "But it won't be easy, so... you might want to stand clear, people!"

"Lynn Jr, what did you eat!?" Lynn Sr askrd the sports sister sternly

"What?! It wasn't me." Lynn said. 'I haven't had any beef and cheese burritos in months."

Lincoln knew exactly what happened. "Loona!" he called out

"What?" Loona said. "What's with all the fucking screaming!? Can't a girl fucking sleep in p-"

"Can you explain this, dude?" Luna pointed at the toilet.

"Oh yeah, the toilet's backed up." the female hellhound flatly sang.

"No, you think?!" said Lori sarcastically.

"That has the be the most disgusting thing i have ever seen." Leni said, looking like she was about to throw up herself just looking at the crap Loona didn't flushed. "I think i totes lost my appetite for waffles this morning."

"Huh, i'm there with you, Leni." said Lola.

"Just step back and let me fix it." Lana said calmly.

"How long will this take?" said Rita. "You got school today?"

"Probably around... twenty to thirty minutes." Lana pointed.

"Twenty to thirty minutes?" said Lucy, then everyone in the family groaned in irritation, before looking at the female hellhound with extreme aggrevation and irritation.

"I guess we can call the schools and let them know we are going to be a little late." Rita sighed. Everyone waited for the whole shitty situation to be done and they were waiting for the bathroom.

"Well Loona, i hope you are happy." said Lisa. "you have completely contaminated our own lavatory with your own defacate and excresions." the female hellhound just rolled her eyes at the smartest sister. "With all the meat and avocado you have been eating, and all of the alcoholic substances you have been drinking, you have turned our lavatory into a real bomb of pure terrible stench!"

"Whatever." said Loona as she was on her phone, as usual.

"Don't you know how to flush, Loona?" asked Lucy

"I do as much as the next guy." Loona flatly stated. "I just chose not to."

"Look, we know you don't like a lot of things," said Lynn Sr, "but this is still me and my wifes' house, and you have to abide by our rules."

"I heard you the first time." Loona sat up, looking irritated. "But you can't always expect me to follow the rules, Mr. L. I am my own Hellhound."

"You want to live in the backyard?" Rita threatened.

"Oh what?" Loona said. "Is that some f- i mean stupid wisecrack about us Hellhounds?"

"OK, OK!" Lynn Sr intervened. "Look, Loona, just try to be more reasonable."

"Reasonable, huh?" I'll show you reasonable for you." Loona snarled before turning into her human form and storming out the front door with it still open after exiting, and she used her strength to lift a nearby pontiac and threw it over one hundred yards, into another car, making them both explode on impact, and catching on fire.

"Uh-oh." Lincoln muttered.

"Quick!" Lucy said to the disguised Hellhound. "Get inside before the cops come!"

Loona realized her mistake and ran back to the house, immediately turning back into her Hellhound form, Loona said: "I was never there, and i never destroyed that car, then she went back up in the attic to listen to more metal music.

"I blame myself." Lincoln facepalmed. "This is all my fault."

"Darn right it is, Stincoln." Lynn said. "You and your puppy eyes."

"Yeah, you just had to pull out your secret weapon, dude." Luna looked irritated at her brother as well.

"Anyone else want to rub it in my face or say that it's my fault?" Lincoln raised an eyebrow to his whole family.

"Oh ho, don't mind if we do." said Lori.

"Yep, it is definitely your fault, Lincoln." Leni said.

"OK, OK, guys, i know how irritated you are at Loona," said Rita. "But it was only the first day. Maybe we can see how this will go on the second day."

"Your mother's right, kiddos." said Lynn Sr, "it's only been a whole day. There can be more to Loona than meets the eye. Besides, it's not like she is doing anything all the time. Her phone keeps her from causing any more chaotic destruction."

The kids agreed and the sisters apologized to Lincoln for being rather rude to him. When Lana cleaned the whole bathroom, Rita pulled out a fresh-smelling spray and used it to fill the entire atmosphere within the lavatory with the fragrant scent, and therefore; everyone went back to their usual business, although they would probably be late for school and or work, but alas; it went well, thanks to Lana.

After school

Lincoln was walking back to his house with Clyde, who plans to play video games with his own best friend, and their conversation was cut short when they both heard the sound of heavy metal music inside the house. "Uh-oh..." Lincoln said before gulping.

"What's going on in there?" asked Clyde

"I think i know." Lincoln gulped again. He ran inside, and the metal music was blasting. There was Loona, and a bunch of other hellhounds, along with Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, and Octavia. It looked like a party!

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