Outbursts Going Too Far

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Loona was still panting from the ridiculous climb she had accomplished so she can get to her human friend. "You ok, honey?" Bee asked the female hellhound. "You look like you can use some apple juice or some orange juice." she tried to give Loona a helping hand back on her feet, but she felt her right upper arm swatted away in a rude manner by Loona with a loud smack.

"Don't touch me!" Loona growled. "Never touch me!"

Bee was taken aback at the reaction. It was like Loona had rabies all of a sudden, minus the foam in the mouth and the glassy eyes. "Sorry!" Bee said. "Just thought you wanted a little help, that's all."

"I don't need your help, your highness." Loona rudely stated.

Lincoln looked startled and the atmosphere felt awkward all of a sudden. The white-haired boy gulped and hoped that there won't be a catastrophic fight going on, and he was as silent as a cold winter night with nothing but a blizzard heard on the streets.

"What is your problem?" Bee said. "Did i do something to hurt you? I don't get it, Loona. i really want us to be friends."

"Pfft, no you don't." Loona scoffed. "I don't even think you would want to be my friend. Besides, you already got so many friends in your life that love and adore you so much like you are their sugar-addicted goddess."

"Loona!" Lincoln scolded her

"What? she did just hoist you up. She could have accidentally dropped you. Are you trying to Steal Lincoln from me too, bitch?!"

"What are you even fucking talking about?" Bee sounded offended. "I told you not to fuck with me!"

"Well I don't fucking care how big you can get, you stupid bee bitch!" Loona retorted. "I can still take you on in your kaiju form."

"Hey hey hey!" Lincoln tried to intervened.

Loona looked at Bee, and then Lincoln, and let out a sigh, looking guilty. "Sorry, i just got carried away. The way she yoinked you like that just scared me. I was worried she would have kidnapped you too like Crimson did."

"I wasn't going to kidnap him." Bee reassured him. "Come on, do I look like I would kidnap anyone?"

Loona was silent before looking to and fro. "Do I have to he honest with you, your highness?" She finally said in a flat voice.

Once again, looking offended, Bee asked: "seriously, Loona, what is your problem with me? Did I even hurt you in any way? If I did, then I am really, really sorry if I did."

"No, it's not like that, Ok?!" Loona sounded defensive now." Then she pause. "Look, maybe I should just go." She let out a sigh and climbed back down from the tallest tower. Both Lincoln and Bee looked concerned and worried about Loona now, and the white-haired boy looked down where Loona was walking with her arms crossed.

"Bee, can you please get me down from here? I want to see if she's ok."

"Of course, Lincoln. I was just thinking the same thing as you." She grabbed him gently like a hug and hovered, putting him back on ground level.

The white-haired boy did not hesitate to run after the female hellhound. "Loona! Wait! Come back! Let's just talk about this!" He called out to her.

"Just leave me alone, Lincoln." Loona said as she looked away. "Please. Just leave me alone."

Once again, it was silent and Lincoln didn't say a word.

"you'd probably want to be more with a friendly person than me." Loona sighed as she continued walking away.

she got in the I.M.P van snd hid herself in the backseat.

"Hey, what's going on?" Tex noticed the commotion. "Is everything alright?"

"I... don't know, Tex." Lincoln admitted. "I'm just as confused as you."

"Maybe I should go talk to her."

"No, she says she wants to be alone."

"Ok then."

"So Loona made some bad comments to Bee." Lincoln pointed

"What? Why?"

"Like I said: I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine. But I think she has some kind of beef against Bee."

"How can anyone have any beef with my girl?" Tex sounded confused. "Bee is the most likable person in all of Hell. It doesn't make sense!"

"Hey, what happened?" Blitzo came out, also hearing the commotion.

"Your daughter-"

"Adopted!" Loona called out in the distance.

"Right, your adopted daughter got into some kind of argument with my girlfriend for some reason."

"What? Oh what did she do to my Loony!?" Blitzo sounded defensive.

"nothing." Lincoln said. "Bee didn't do anything."

"maybe I should go talk to her." Blitzo said.

"She'll probably maul you to pieces right now." The white-haired boy pointed.

"Well I don't care." The imp flatly stated. "I adopted her, and it is my job to look out for Loona's well-being." Blitzo walked up to the van to check on Loona, and opened the back door.

"So what exactly happened, Lincoln?" Asked Vortex

"Loona began saying some snarky things about Loona and accused her of kidnapping me."

"Ooh. Maybe I should hear it from Bee and see what she says."

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." Said Lincoln

"Get Out!" Loona growled as she threw hard objects as Blitzo, giving him a black eye in the process.

"Yeah... give her a minute." Blitzo pointed.

About three hours passed and Lincoln was watching some TV at home? feeling a little worried about Loona.

"Hey Lincoln." A voice said from behind him. It spooked him and it revealed to be Loona, in her Hellhound form.

"Oh Loona, what's up?"

"Look I... this isn't easy for me to say, but... I'm sorry about earlier."

"It's ok. It just made me worried about you."

"Well don't. I'm fine." Then the female hellhound sat next to him. "I didn't mean to make you witness all of that."

"Why did you act like that towards Bee?" Lincoln asked

"It's complicated." Loona sighed.

"Come on, I promise to keep it a secret."

Silent, Loona finally stated, "well you know that was I was little, I-" but she was suddenly interrupted by Blitzo calling her. "Not a good time, shithead." She paused. "Wait, what?" Her eyes then widened. "Oh my Satan. She wants to meet him? Wow, ok. Yeah I'll tell him." Then she hung up on him. "Lincoln, this is a big shock, but... the king of Hell's daughter wants to meet you."

"His daughter?" Lincoln's eyes widened

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