Caught Throwing A Party

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Lincoln was looking on in pure horror and shock. Loona just threw a wild party in his own house, without his parents' consent. It was just then the sisters came back as well, looking as shocked and appalled as Lincoln was.

"Oh... my... god..." said the kids.

Loona noticed them and smirked as she approached them. "Hey guys." She said in a happy voice. "Glad you can make it back home, the party is getting fucking awesome!" she can clearly see that the kids, minus Clyde since he is not a member of the family, were infuriated by all that was going on.

Angry, the Loud siblings pulled Loona aside so they they can give her a real talking down. "How could you literally throw a party in our own house without our parents' permission?!"

"Easy, really." Loona said. "They're not here."

"Loona, when mom and dad see this, they are going to explode!" said Lana

"Come on, it's just a party." Loona said. "What can possibly go fucked?"

"Anything!" Lincoln sounded exasperated. "I mean mom and dad think you are a mean person as it is."

Suddenly, the sound of a shotgun blast was heard from another room, spooking the kids and rushing to the living room to see what the sound was. Vortex was shooting some watermelons with a Remington 870 gun and two of the fruits were obliterated.

"Whoo! How was that, Loona?" Said Tex

"Better the seventh time!" Loona commended her first friend. "Let's see you pull out a mini-gun."

"Please tell me that there are literally no drugs or alcohol in this party!" Lori gritted her teeth

"Wait, i thought you don't like Moxxie so much, Loona." Lincoln noticed.

Loona made a "Hmph" sound and replied: "That's an understatement. I hate him so much."

"But if you hate him so much, then why did you bring him to your party?" Asked Clyde

"Because that fat bitch of his threatened to turn me into a trophy if I didn't." The female hellhound looked irritated. "But hey, a party's a party."

"Well this is out of control!" Leni said.

"We have got to do something about this before mom and dad get back." Lucy said.

"Hey, who's the cute, white-hair here?" said a Hellhound with an afro.

She and a couple of other female hellhounds approached Lincoln, making him a little nervous and blush. "Just look at him, i have never seen a human boy so cute in my entire life." said a white female hellhound with her hair flipped to the left. Another had a black mask with a mouth printed on it, and she wore a black hat and a black coat with a fur collar. Not only them, but there was also a large, burly male husky-like hellhound with a skull shirt. "A boy with white hair?" he said. "that's something you don't see every day on Earth."

"Just look at him," said the masked hellhound. "He is the cutest, I can just eat him up in one bite."

Lincoln got a worried look and hid behind Loona.

"Oh no, no, no, no!" said the other white female hellhound. "Not really. It's just an expression. "We would never eat someone as adorable as you."

"Look, I know you're getting all the girls, Linc." said the rocker sister, "but we need to take care of this party before mom and dad make us homeless on the Highway to Hell."

"Guys, i figured you all were hungry when you all got back from school, so i got us some pizza and Chinese to eat." Loona said. "My treat." The kids' eyes flew open with surprise and they ran to the dining room to find a big buffet of pizza and Chinese food for them to chow down. "I knew you would love it." Loona smiled slyly

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