Hick For Hire Out For Revenge

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While the EQD fiasco was happening down here in Hell, the female demons were under quarantine from getting the disgusting queef disease, but the men were just fine for... obvious reasons.

Speaking of men, there was an evil, wicked, and sly serpentine demon that is slowly diving into the void of insanity in his own mind, in his dingy hotel room.

he was a cowboy kind of imp demon that used to be one of the most feared mercenaries or bounty hunters in the plain of Hell's existence. However, it was thanks to I.M.P that he is loosing his credibility and trust among other people.

Although one time, his services were no longer by an evil female Goetia cunt since she wants her ex-husband alive so she can try to get everything he had... for now. To make matters worse, he was fired by none other than Crimson for failing to kill or clear a job that involved kidnapping Blitzo and Fizzaroli for ransom.

Striker was pulling into some pictures of the IMP employees and setting them ablaze with his lighter to try and ease his frustration at them.

Immediate Murder Professionals have really been a thorn on his side for a while now, and he would do anything to have their heads mounted as trophies.

He needed some kind of plan. A new plan that sounded foolproof in his revenge. After he would get his vengeance against those four demons, he would move on to as much royal "blue bloods" as he can get his hands on, starting with Stolas. Striker could never understand why Stella just called off the murder on her ex-husband in the first place, although she did say it would be "put on hold" until further notice.

"Fuck that stupid Blitzo." Striker said to himself with pure rage. "I cannot wait to skin you alive very slow-like like a pig about to be served on Christmas." Then he looked at Moxxie. "And I can't wait to make you cry like the bitch you are, Moxxie. You can still go fuck yourself." To Millie's photo, he sneered "I'll be sure your stupid bitch suffers as much as you do, boy." Looking at Loona's picture, which was a usual, moody pout she would do, he smiled. "I'll make a throw rug out of you, literal bitch."

Picking up some darts, Striker was throwing them on more pictures of his adversaries, Stolas included. He could hardly wait to get his hands on those who have caused him to slowly lose his sanity.

He growled bitterly, and said to himself: "the sooner I fucking kill you bitches, the better." Then he proceed to burn more pictures of their faces into the fireplace. Hatred, anger, bitterness, and revenge were all coursing through his veins. Yes, Striker was definitely hitting rock bottom.

Not even Crimson would think about hiring again after the whole crazy shit that happened with Blitzo and Fizz. Scrolling through his phone, something caught Strikers' eyes like a kite hunting for prey. In the newsfeed, he read about a human boy that had been to hell many times, described as a "buck-toothed, white-haired human boy with the head like a watermelon."

It was not a common thing for an actual human being to be down here. Not only that, but he saw the videos of him performing in the clubs down here before, and his beautiful voice. Striker then hatched a brilliant idea. A very evil, cruel, selfish, diabolical, and sinister idea.

"Perhaps that cotton-haired rabbit boy can be a good use. To me. Talented, good-lookin, and worth a shit ton of money. Thinking of his previous employer, Crimson, maybe this could be a chance to have that bastard mob boss a second chance. The serpentine demon began to chuckle evilly at the thought. "Good ole Crimson cannot turn me down a generous offer."

Meanwhile, Lincoln was checking on Loona to tell her the good news. "Loona, you don't have to move out." He smiled to her.

"Wait, really?"

"Yep. Mom and dad are giving you one more chance."

Watermelon, Lincoln's new African ringneck parakeet perched on his left shoulder. "Last chance." He repeated. "Make a good impression for Lincoln."

"Yeah yeah, Feathers. I will." Loona smirked.

"But I wanna know something."

"yeah?" The boy sat with her on the old couch in the attic, looking a little nervous about the question he was about to ask her

"Is there a reason why you hate everyone so much? I mean... I know you don't like to show your emotions, but is there a reason why you hate everyone?"

Loona was silent for a long time after that question, and she looked away.

"I mean, if it's none of my business, I'm ok with it."

"Yeah, it's definitely none of your business." Loona nodded her head. "But I can say this: life can be very unfair and... not everyone you meet who is friendly, is who you think they are."


"But yeah, none of your business. So come on, I'm staying her a little while longer, so celebrate I guess."

"Well here's some more good news." Lincoln smiled again. "Mom and dad are letting the party go on!"

"Heh, I can tell with the metal music blasting." Loona smirked again. "Nice you made some new friends. Which one are you marrying?" She joked

"What? But they're hellhounds and I'm a human. And I'm too young for them anyway."

The female hellhound let out a small laugh. "Oh shut up, I'm just fucking with you."

"Oh..." Lincoln realized. "They know I'm too young for them, right?"

"Pfft, of course they do." Loona nodded her head. "They're just being friendly and nice. So don't get the wrong idea about them, ok?"

"I won't." Lincoln nodded his head. "And, can you please try to be nicer to my family? They are doing this for you."

Once again, Loona was silent. "I'll try to." She said at last. "But no promises."

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