Creating A Friendship Pact For Clyde

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As Lincoln was playing video games in the living room, like he would normally do, and Lucy was right next to him with a large, unusually big grin on her face. Lincoln felt like he was being watched (and he was), and peeked over the comic book to see Lucy with her rather scary smile, making him yelp and almost fall off the sofa. "Lucy, what are you-?"

"Lincoln," Lucy began to speak, "please, please, please let me meet king Lucifer. Please with lots of blood orange juice on top? I'll do your homework for the rest of your life."

At first, Lincoln sounded pleased of someone doing his homework for the rest of his grade school days. But he immediately shook his head side to side, knowing it wouldn't be right, and he said: "Lucy, i know you want to meet Hell's king, but i've seen how dangerous Hell can be, and unpredictable. I was even a hostage from a dangerous and sleazy mob boss that happens to be Moxxie's own dad. It might not be North Korea or Eritrea, but it's still... not very safe for people like you.'

"Who do you even think you're talking to?" Lucy raised an eyebrow (even though her hair covers her own eyes). "You know that I cna handle anything in Hell, and we have been through many crazy situations and shenanigans before."

"yeah but He'll is much worse than many stuff we go through. And besides, Charlie said she is going to talk to her dad about you meeting him. But... I don't know if he would want to meet you."

"Nonsense." Lucy said. "He will love me. I know he will. The evil dark lord at least treats his followers with compassion if they are loyal to him enough."

After enough begging from his gothic sister, Lincoln took a small breath of defeat and replied: "ok ok ok. Fine, you've convinced me, Lucy. If you really want to meet King Lucifer, then I guess i'll introduce you to him."

Lucy let out a monotonous squeal of joy from herself and hugged Lincoln tightly with enormous gratitude. "Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lincoln. How can I ever repay you for making my lifelong dream come true?"

"Wait, I thought being a vampire was your lifelong dream." Lincoln pointed.

"Well, ok my second lifelong dream. But still, this is one of my biggest dreams." Lucy let go of him.

"But you have to stay close to me and not wander around the streets. If anything bad happened to you in Hell, mom and dad will bury me alive."

"Don't worry, Lincoln." Lucy reassured him. "I'll stay close to you. If anything did happen, then i will just tell mom and dad that it was my fault, and not yours."

Lincoln smiled gratefully at Lucy's integrity. "Thanks Lucy. But let's see what Charlie says."

"I hope it doesn't take too long." the goth girl pointed. "Lord Lucifer must be dying to see me, after all the seances i have created with my friends, he has to be expecting me. You can never go wrong with a seance."

"Even if Hell might not have tormented souls?" Lincoln asked her

"Nonsense. It's still a place where bad souls go to when they die. So there has to be torment somehow. And you even mentioned that you saw some death and violence in Hell."

"Huh, good point." Lincoln narrowed his eyes, sounding uncomfortable at those instances he witnessed many gory things down there. "But i'm sure it won't take too long on what the king will say."

"Good." Lucy smiled.

Suddenly, a mysterious portal appeared in the entryway between the living room and the dinning room. A very familiar face that Lincoln and Lucy recognized popped out of the wormhole. "W'sup, kids?" said Loona with her usual, blank look on her wolf-like face.

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