Kidnapped In The Greed Ring

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The next day in Hell, Lincoln was sitting besides Loona on a park bench while looking at the red sky. Without admitting it, Loona was happy to have Lincoln by her side (as usual), for she was still growing fond of the kid (without admitting it). She knew that Lincoln's parents would want her to keep a close eye on their one and only son while he is down here in Hell with her, though she was annoyed with how Lynn Sr and Rita keep telling her that since she knows to keep the kid in safe hands... or paws.

A weird-looking bird flew overhead Lincoln and Loona, and this bird looked very unusual. For it was the color of charcoal and it had three eyes, and it's wings were skinless and they were just bones.

Lincoln looked a little weirded out, and gently clung himself to Loona for some comfort and possibly protection from her since she is basically her protector. Loona didn't look very amused and gave him a mild glare. While panting heavily, Lincoln looked up at Loona, still not looking very amused at how he was clinging to her like a clingy puppy. The female hellhound cleared her throat and asked: "Do you mind letting go of me, Linc?"

"Sorry." Lincoln immediately let her loose and scooted away from her. "I just never seen a bird like that before."

"I get it." Loona sang. "That bird is a black bone bird. One of the most common rats with wings you will see down here in the Pride Ring."

"And they don't eat humans, right?"

"Pfft, come on, kiddo. If it wanted to eat you, it would just rip your eyes out with its sharp beak and rip the flesh from your bones and flew right into your brain and peck it until it kills you."

The kid looked frightened at hearing this kind of morbid talk, but again, he is used to hearing morbid shit since he lives with a Goth girl named Lucy in his own house. "Good to know." he said. "So, do you still hate Blitzo?"

"Oh fuck yeah. Of course I hate him so much. Why couldn't I have been adopted by a cool hellhound dad?"

"Right. Anyway, Tex is a pretty cool guy."

"You can say that again." said Loona. "I'm lucky to have a friend like him." she blushed

"You love him?" asked Lincoln

"What? No! I don't love him." Loona sounded defensive. "Besides, he already has a girlfriend, and... i'm not really in the same league as her."

Lincoln frowned. "What do you mean?"

The female hellhound gave a small sigh. "Nothing. But i can say this, Lincoln: she is the best girlfriend any boy can ever ask for."

"She is?"

"Trust me. When you meet her, you will completely understand what I mean."

"I'll.. take your word for it, then." Said the white-haired boy. It was silent again for a brief moment, then Lincoln looked at Loona's phone as she was texting away. "I see that that's important to you so much."

"Hmm? Oh, my phone, yeah. I cannot possibly fucking live without it. If I did lose it, I'd go fucking crazy."

"I'm not sure if I wanna see you going crazy."

The female hellhound got a little offended. "What the fuck does that mean?" She's sounded angry now.

Lincoln cowered and had a look on his face that showed he was scared shitless.

Taking in a small breath, Loona kept her composure, and said: "sorry."

"It's ok." Suddenly, Lincoln felt his mouth being held by a large hand and his body being wrapped by some long arm. He was gasping for breath, but this brute was too strong for him to break free.

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