Under Control For a Big Family

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Everyone in Lincolns' family could hardly believe what they were seeing and what was exactly going on right now. A hellhound right in their house like this? And they never even noticed that she was a hellhound in disguise.

Lincoln felt like panicking and began stammering in trying to explain. "Loona, I'm sorry."

"For what? I was the one that sneezed, not you." The female hellhound pointed before looking back at the still shocked family. "Look, don't panic, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not evil."

"Yeah she did save me." Lincoln said. "Loona can be moody but she is not a bad hellhound."

"Lincoln, I'll handle this." said Loona.

"No, they're my family." Lincoln

"Would you just shut up and let me-?"

"Alright alright!" Lynn Sr intervened. "Now, we want to know from the very beginning what is going on."

"And we want the truth this time." Rita added with her arms crossed. It was silent inside the room, but Lincoln was the first one to speak after taking a breath.

"So, Loona is a hellhound. All the way from Hell." Said the white-haired boy plainly. "She did save me from being mugged and killed the muggers to protect me."

"Looks like a werewolf to me." said Lucy

"Why does everyone keep saying that?!" Loona sounded exasperated. "I am a hellhound m, end of story." The family looked more scared, worried that Loona might go rabid on them, then she kept her composure, realizing she was getting to angry. "Sorry. I mean, I am a hellhound m, not a werewolf."

"Right. And she sure she has a bad attitude, and she can be rude and blunt at times."

"Hey!" Loona said.

"But," Lincoln pointed, "she is a good person underneath her tough as nails exterior. A good friend that can always come around to help you."

"Thank you." Loona smiled gratefully.

"So you guys kinda owe her my life." Lincoln pointed. "She rescued me. Besides, remember what happened in Scotland before?"

"Good point." said Lynn.

"Yeah, Lela the dragon." Lana remembered with a smile

"So if dragons exist," said Loona, "why shouldn't we hellhounds or demons?"

"Well aren't all demons supposed to be evil or bad to the bone, dude? Always walking in shadows?" Asked the rocker sister. "Wouldn't they tempt you to dance with Mr Brownstone enough they they won't leave you alone?"

"Only if you listen to religious propaganda." The female hellhound pointed. "Hell is not a place of eternal suffering. It's like up here on Earth, but... not as civilized."

"I knew Hell isn't such a bad place to be." Lucy smiled.

"So why didn't you tell us this before?" asked Lynn Sr.

"Well, here's the thing," said Lincoln. "Hell is kept a secret from everyone in the world, except for people who end up down in Hell when they die. It's a secret because... it's complicated."

"What Lincoln means is," Loona stepped in to help him out, "it's kept a secret from the world to not cause panic or mass hysteria."

The Loud family understood what she meant now. "Yeah, we didn't want to get in trouble."

"We understand." said Rita. "But please don't lie to us again."

"Yeah, if you want us to keep it a secret, we will."" said Lori

"Please." said Loona. "People will either think you are evil or they will try to kill you if they found out."

"Noted." said Luan.

"But, they probably wouldn't believe us anyway." said Lola. "As long as you are in your human form, and not your mangy rabid form."

"Lola." Lana scolded

"You call that an insult?" said Loona sounding unamused. "Typical kid. Now your parents should put a leash on you, since you're the dog." That was it, Lola tried to kill Loona again, but was held back by the other family members. Loona however, didn't look intimidated at all since she has seen scarier things.

"Let me at her!" Lola exclaimed

"Easy girl." said Lynn. At last, Lola slowly calmed herself down and took a deep breath. Though, her scowl didn't go away from her face.

"So as i was saying," said Lincoln, "i'm sorry for lying to you guys, but i didn't want to get Loona in trouble or cause a panic or an uproar. Since many people hate and fear Hell."

"We do understand, sport." said Lynn Sr. "And we promise not to tell anyone about this."

"But just be careful with her, sweetie." said Rita. "I mean, we're just looking out for you. And have you been down there before?"

"A couple of times, and it's not so bad. A little better than North Korea and Eritrea." Lincoln said

"Can I visit there?" asked Lucy, looking eager with a big smile. "It's my lifelong dream to visit Hell, and see the tormented souls burning in the lake of fire. Please let me go there with you, Lincoln."

Everyone in the family looked disturbed by Lucy's willingness to visit the land of eternal damnation, but this is Lucy after all, and she is a goth girl from birth. "You probably would be disappointed if we took you there." said Loona. "I mean, sure, there are places where bad souls are being tortured forever, but that's for the most evil men in history, like Hitler or Stalin or Idi Amin."

"Oh, but there's still monsters and demons down there." said Lucy. I would still love to visit." she still looked eager."

"Well... we'll see." said Loona. "But i can promise you all that Lincoln is in good hands with me when he is down there."

"And he doesn't get hurt, does he?" asked Lynn Sr.

"If he did, he would looked badly bruised or with deep cuts or stab wounds," Loona raised her right eyebrow at the parents.

"That's a disturbingly good point," said Luna. "Really good point, dude."

"So, you're not going to make me stay away from her, are you?" Lincoln had a begging look on his face. "She' pretty cool and she did save me as i keep saying."

"Yes, you can still hang out with her." said Rita. "But just be careful."

"Like i said, he is in good hands with me."

"Or good paws." Luan smiled.

The female hellhound just scowled at her with her ears down. "Don't start."

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