Lincoln Gets the Jacket

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Blood Burger looked nice as ever... at least in Hell standards since it is not the most pleasant kind of place for humans alone. But it was still a nice place to go out for some lunch or dinner, whichever comes first. That Velvette was also a peculiar kind of woman. She also took a liking to Lincoln, although she didn't really like how he and Clyde dressed over all. Speaking of Clyde, Lincoln's own best friend was a little nervous about being in this kind of place, lots of scary demons of all shapes and sizes that might give him nightmares and scar him for a lifetime to come.

Good thing Octavia was there to help protect him. The young lad likes to think of the Goetia Princess as his own guardian angel in his life, or a guardian demon in this case. He hoped that the food was good here at least and that there wouldn't have to be some organs or insects or even rats for him to eat. But Clyde was probably overthinking things, an decided to try and relax a little, considering the fact that he is sitting next to the princess right now

"So, You met Velvette?" said Octavia. "What was she like, Lincoln?"

"Well she was... a diva to say the least. She acted like a snappy, bossy, over the top demanding kind of person." Lincoln modestly pointed out.

"Heh, that would be an understatement." said a demon, eavesdropping behind the group. He looked like an elephant seal demon of some kinds, at least he has that animals' infamous proboscis nose that gave them their infamous name. Hr was also obese and wearing a white take top and had a small goatee under his ridiculously immense nose. "That overlord is the most demanding kind of diva anyone has ever seen. She would make Lidnsey Lohan, Mariah Carey, and Madonna look like the nicest child stars you would ever want to meet."

"That's actually a good way to put it." said Blitzo

"By the way," said the elephant seal demon, "can i have this kid as my appetizer?" he pointed to Clyde, making his heart drop to his feet. "Don't worry, i will make it quick and painless as i go for the brain first."

"No way!" Clyde said. "I am too young to be eaten!"

"In Hell, it can be free game for some kids." the elephant seal demon pointed. "I'm really starving and i think you look like the perfect appetizer. So fucking helpless, vulnerable, and just fucking weak. I know nerds when i see them. So come into my mouth."

"Fuck no!" Octavia strongly protested. "He is my friend and i won't let you eat him! By order of a Goetia princess like me, i order you to leave Clyde alone." she tried being assertive to this nasty demon.

"Well you are a princess, and technically, you have no real power over me. Your dad does, but too bad he's not here, princess." The elephant seal demon began to act snarky before giving Clyde a serious look before saying to him: "you, mouth, now!"

Growling and looking infuriated that her own friend is being picked on like this, Via snarled and her eyes glew a bright red as she looked straight into the large demons' eyes, paralyzing him and instantly turning him into stone with his shocked expression still showing.

"Whoa, what was that?" Asked Loona

"It's... hereditary, Loona." Said the Goetia princess. "My father has that ability to kill someone just by gazing at someone and turning them into stone, leaving them nothing but dead statues."

"wait, how can I look at you and not turn to stone?" Asked Lincoln, making the princess laugh.

"Because I can do it at will."

"kinda of like Medusa." Clyde realized

"Well... almost. Medusa could never control it. But I can."

"looks like a good defense mechanism." Vortex pointed. "Maybe even the largest monsters couldn't stand a chance against your literal death stare, Via."

Letting out another chuckle, Octavia said: "I'll keep that in mind."

"So Lincoln," said Loona, "I... wanted to give you something."

"Like a present or a gift?" asked Lincoln.

"yeah, something like that." Loona looked a little uncomfortable, and rather sheepish. "Look, you might not like it, but..." he gave it to him in a rather rough manner, like she pushed it towards his ribs. "Open it."

"Ok, ok." Lincoln did just that, and looked surprised to see the awesome leather jacket that Loona bought earlier. He unfolded and looked at the cool words "Little Badass" on it.

"Ooh, look at that." said Moxxie. "That's a nice jacket."

"Yeah, little badass? Rather a nice title for something like this boy." said Millie.

Lincoln was silent as he was gazing at the jacket that the female hellhound had bought for him. "Oh fuck." Loona looked sheepish. "You fucking hate it, do you?"

"What?" Lincoln looked confused. "Why do you think that?"

"because you're going quiet on me. That normally means that you hate it"

"No I don't." Lincoln. "I love it!" He got out of the booth to try on the jacket for himself, and it was a perfect fit for him.

"Ooh, you are a little badass with that jacket, Link." Blitzo smiled, pointed a fry at him.

"Loona, I love it." Lincoln smiled. "Thank you so much."

Those words gave the female hellhound such comfort and was so relieved to hear her human give his compliments to the present she had given to him. "Glad you like it." She gave a small smile.

"Here, let me look at the words again." Said Tex, kneeling on his left knee. The white-haired boy showed the burly hellhound the insignia. "Fuck yeah, man." He sounded impressed. "Lincoln, you look so cool in that jacket."


"You... really like it?" Asked Loona

"Of course. Stylish, cool, what more can a boy want?"

"Glad you like it Loona smiled. She saw Lincoln about to come hug her, but she put her left hand in front of his face to prevent him from doing so. "Like I said: not a hugger."

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