Peace and Quiet

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Lincoln heard Vanzilla honk in the driveway outside the house, and he knew that it meant his sisters and mother were home after two hours or shopping.

All the girls came in through the front door with bags in their arms. "Oh M gosh!" said Leni. "Can you believe that these miniskirts were ninety-percent off?"

"I know!" said Lori. "It's literally the luckiest day of our lives."

Lincoln made a small groan of annoyance, and rolled his eyes. "I take it you guys had fun in the mall?" he asked as he got up from the sofa.

"Yeah!" said Lynn. "These jerseys in this baby are on sale."

"And get a load of these band shirts. Guns N' Roses, Aerosmith, Van Halen, Mick Swagger, Beach Boys, what more can a rocker girl want?" said Luna.

"Huh." Lincoln didn't sound very amused since he was a boy. "Glad you guys had fun."

"Oh! we got something for you, Lincoln." said Lana. She and Lola pulled out an action figure that looked like Ace Savvy, and he loved Ace Savvy, and smiled to see this action figure. "We noticed that in the toy store, many action figures were on sale."

"And since you love Ace Savvy so much," Luna smirked. "We bought it just for you, baby bro."

Lincoln smiled and was really grateful. "Thanks guys, you're the best." he said

"You're welcome, Lincoln." said Luna.

"Yeah, it was a good price, and we had to get it for you." Lori added. The boy thanked them again before Lana gave him the toy, whom he immediately hugged it close like a stuff animal.

The Next Morning

Lincoln was sleeping so soundly in his bed and he was suddenly awoken by the sound of something crashing. "Lana, give that back!" it was Lola

"I'll give you Mr. Sprinkles when you give me back Plungy!" said Lana's voice.

"Ugh! not more arguing." Lincoln sighed. In a more sarcastic voice, he added: "what a nice way to start a day at the Loud house." he yawned and got out of bed before hitting the shower.

Right as soon as he got clean, he was heard from knocking on the door. "Lincoln, are you in here?" said Luan's voice.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Do you know where my whoopee cushion is?"

"No, I haven't seen it."


When he got out of the bathroom, he heard the sound of Lori and Leni bickering to each other. "Why can't you literally get your own perfume?" said Lori

"This is my favorite, Lori!" said Leni. "I mean this can help me win a cute boy! You got Bobby!"

"Try different perfumes, Leni."

"Or you should just get your own perfume!" Leni said. "So you don't steal mine!"

"steal? You're the one literally stealing from me!"

Then their petty arguing continued. "Yeesh, hate to get in the middle of that." then he walked away from the bickering.

"Charles!" said Lynn. "Give me back my lucky football!"

"Uh-oh. Lynn's at it with Charles again. She can be just as vicious as him." He slided down the stairs so he can get away from that as well. He decided with what he needed was some peace and quiet from the usual chaos.

For that, he got his headphones and his mp3 player so that he can listen to his music to start the day and sat on one of the recliner chairs outside.

Not only that, but he got some lemonade to drink. Listening to rock music, he was as peace and he crossed his arms behind his head. Looking up at the sky, Lincoln caught the glimpse of a dog head, and he immediately recognized it.

He paused his music and his headphones off his ears.

"Hey Linc." said Loona.

"Morning." Lincoln replied. "Wait, you're in your hellhound form. What if my sisters and family see you? or if everyone else sees you? I don't want to have the government probe you like aliens."

"It's still early in the morning." Loona said. "Lot of people are still sleeping in."

"OK. So what brings you here?"

"Well I thought I would sop by for a visit. That's all."


Suddenly, the sound of an explosion was heard in the house, startling both Lincoln and Loona.

"Jesus!" Loona said. "What the fuck was that?"

"Eureka!" said Lisa. "So that's what this formula does when it hits anything liquid."

"Lisa!" both Rita and Lynn Sr shouted.

"Ah, it's just Lisa." said Lincoln. "She can have a serious case of Mad Scientist Syndrome at times."

"Heh. I guess you weren't kidding when you said your family can be crazy."

"Yeah, but they're my family, and i love them so much." he laid on his back again. "But, I think you're lucky to just have one family member in your life. Not so much noise and crazy."

Loona couldn't help but chuckle. "If only it was like that." she said. "Blitzo can drive me so fucking crazy that he makes me hungover sometimes."

"Oh." Lincoln frowned. In his head, he thought: "Sounds like she's a drinker. Best not to come near her when she's drunk. Especially if she's a dangerous hellhound that can probably rip through metal with her claws. It would be like waking up a rabid honey badger from his beauty nap... or waking up Lola from her beauty nap."

"You seem quiet." said Loona. "You alright?"

"Oh yeah, yeah, I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"About... how the Pantera reunion will be like from the remaining members. I mean, I don't know what it will be like with Zakk Wylde on guitar or... I can't remember his name, but he's the drummer from Anthrax." he lied.

"Ah, I heard about that. Pantera was so awesome. And, I think it's more likely a cover band or a tribute band to me. Zakk Wylde is fucking awesome and a real fucking shredder on the guitar, but nothing can compare to good ole Dimebag Darrell."

"My sister Luna's more into that stuff. but I listen to some music like that."

"I like your style." Loona smirked. "But don't tell anyone I said that, or I'll rip your eyes out." she flatly warned him with her eyes furrowed at him. "And, with my claws, I promise you: it is going to hurt."

Lincoln gulped and after seeing what Loona can do with the muggers from yesterday, he believed her. "I won't tell anyone, I promise."

"I know, I know you won't. You kept my true form a secret from everyone else so... I guess I can trust you a little more." then she looked at his mp3 player. "Smooch huh? Kind of posers in music if you ask me. But it's just my opinion."

"we all have our tastes. But I'm just trying to get some peace and quiet from the usual chaotic things going on right now. I mean, how did you not hear that blast?"

"Good point. Understandable. But if you really want peace and quiet, I can show you my place."

"Your place?" said Lincoln. "But I thought you said Blitzo was crazy?"

"I did. And yeah, he can be fucking crazy, but he's not at home right now. He's taking care of something from... a royal nature?"

"Royal nature?"

"You don't want to know."

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