Junkie Sister

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Wondering what he should do with his one grand he received from Katie, Lincoln finally decided to put this to the bank, and his mother was more than happy to drive him there to deposit it to his account. Deep down, he wondered if there was going to receive more reward money from any rich demon in Hell (so long as he doesn't kill anyone). He can never think of a job where it would involve killing someone, regardless of his and or her innocence. Lincoln was a lover, not a killer.

"You know honey, i'm very proud of you for putting that money in the bank." said Rita. "You can use it to help you prepare for College."

"Thanks Mom." said Lincoln. "I'm just glad that Verosika and Katie aren't going to make me kill someone."

Rita let out a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, i'm surprised and glad that no one has asked you to kill someone. Considering the fact that you have new friends from... probably the most unpleasant place in existence. And i hope you are being careful down there. You got kidnapped by an evil crime lord who turned out to be Moxxie's father."

"I'm always careful, mom." Lincoln reassured her. "This might sound a little stupid and crazy, but... Hell is not that bad a place as many people say it is."

"Huh, it does sound weird, but these demons sound nice... in a way."

"I know Loona can be heartless on the outside but, she can be a good person on the inside." Lincoln said. "You saw how she can be. She's kind of like Lynn a little, but a little more... more..." he was trying to find the right word for the female hellhound.

"Mean and anger-prone?"

"Let's go with that." Lincoln chuckled nervously as he looked out the window. "She's not Stella, Stolas' ex-wife. She is the meanest woman you would ever want to meet. Actually... that's an understatement. I can't say what she really is though. It might involve cussing."

"Isn't she the one that is giving you those fancy clothes?"

"Yes. Stella is trying to put our family line to its 'former glory' in royalty."

Rita looked back at Lincoln when she was at a stop light. "How did she find out about our ancestry from Scotland?"

"She looked it up in archives." The boy rolled his eyes. "Stella has a way of... keeping records. But she is trying to find a way to make me and my whole family rich and not be 'plebeians' anymore."

"Pfft. Plebeians?" Rita scoffed. "We're not very poor. Though we do have a budget with a big family. Besides, the United States doesn't allow a monarch to rule the country."

"True, but her highness is trying to find a loophole for that. But... what if there is more to this than my family that she wants?" asked Lincoln. "What if she and Andrealphus, her brother, are planning something evil or devious that involves me?"

"Then... we'll be there to help you stop them and Loona can probably... maul her to fried chicken."

Lincoln chuckled at his mother's comment, and said: "Yeah but they are Goetias. One of the most powerful and richest demons in Hell. If you mess with one Goetia, then the rest will probably come after you like ants or bees. But... maybe Stolas can deal with her. He hates Stella as much as Stella hates him."

"Well, for all our sake, i hope that you do not come in a crossfire between them." said Rita with a worried look on her face. "If anything bad happened to you, Lincoln, I... i don't know what i would be without you."

"Don't worry, mom." Lincoln reassured her. "I'll be fine."

In Hell, Hanging out with Loona some more, Lincoln was with Moxxie and Millie this time. They were at the movie theater watching A Princess Bride, in courtesy of Moxxie and Millie. Loona despised these kind of films, but she did it for Lincoln's sake, and besides; Loona was listening on her headphones as the whole classic movie was playing. Vortex was with the group as well, and unlike his hellhound friend, he was enjoying this film At the end of the movie, Moxxie and Millie ended up making out and creating some... spiciness as they were using their tongues.

Moxxie and Millie were quite the passionate kind of lovers and they were not afraid to do it in public, especially the sex.

Many demons looked on in surprise. Some of them were turned on and others were disgusted and threw up at seeing the imp couples' spiciness as they were rolling around on the floor. Vortex had to intervene and pull them off the floor. "Come on, guys." he said. "Do it on your own time."

"Ooh i will." Moxxie purred at Millie

"Ho ho, Moxxie. I just wanna peg ya till till next week." Millie said seductively.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Tex said. "Not in front of the kid for Satan's sake."

"Can't believe we're hanging out with those losers." Loona rolled her eyes.

"Come on, Loona." Lincoln said. "They're my friends too."

"I know that." Loona sang

"I gotta get these lovebirds back to their nest." said Vortex as he was still carrying the imp couple. "I'll be back in half an hour guys." as he strode off, Lincoln and Loona went out of the movie theater with him, wondering what they should do next.

Lincoln said: "Wanna get something like a milkshake, Loona?"


In a nearby ice cream parlor, Lincoln was greeted by a female, slender imp with curved horns, a mini dress with white and red stripes, and a sleeveless black jacket. "What's up with your hair, kid?" asked the imp in a rather raspy voice.

"Look, it's natural."

"Wait," said the imp, "you're that human boy i've heard about. The one with the angel voice, or what-fucking-ever."

"Yes. Who are you?" asked Lincoln.

"Call me Barbie. Barbie Wire." said she.

"Why does that name sound familiar?" asked Lincoln

"It doesn't." Barbie insisted with her eyes narrowed at him. "Trust me, human. You do not know where the fuck i have even come from. Now listen, i was wondering if you can help me with something."

"What is it?" asked Lincoln

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