Music To Stolas' Ears

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Clyde was really hitting it off well with Octavia, even though she is a Goetia demon was showing him some more cool tricks that she can do with her powers, making him even more impressed and intrigued with what exactly a demon lady can do. Clapping his hands as he was watching more cool tricks from Octavia, the princess was happy to receive praise like this. Octavia hasn't really got so much praise from many people before. Granted, she always gets so much praise from her dad, but it's a usual thing and her father can be... embarrassing for her in many occasions. Her mother doesn't really praise her so much. since she is not one to say she loves her daughter at all. Or, maybe she doesn't really care about her daughter like Stolas does about her.

Maybe even if Stella does care about Octavia, it would probably be for her own, evil and selfish desires. Yes, maybe she only cares about her only daughter as she was her greatest possession. Alas, she was really glad to have a friend like Clyde in her life.

"So, i'm... i'm sorry about the divorce that your parents are going through." Clyde said. "I know that it must be hard for you to understand." he was trying to be nice and not trying to ruin his own friend's day.

"No, don't be, Clyde." Octavia reassured him. "I'm... actually glad that my mum doesn't live here anymore. Not because i hate her, but because it's not very noisy anymore. There would be days with mum and dad screaming the fuck out of one another. And... with mum out, then it's been so much quiet."

Clyde smiled. "So where does your mom live now? I forgot to ask you that at my house before.

"With my uncle Andrealphus. He's a marquis of the Goetia family, and below my dad," she zoomed her face closer to his left ear: "Don't mention that to him though, Andrealphus hates being lower than my dad."

"I'll keep that in mind." Clyde said. "So, are you looking for more friends?

"I am, thanks to you, Lincoln, and Loona."


"So Clyde, i've been meaning to ask you,"


"If it's none of my business, i understand, but... where's your mother?"

A frown appeared on Clyde's face. he looked down, like it was a very bad memory for him to experience. "Well... she died giving birth to me."

"Oh no." Octavia frowned, looking very sympathetic. "I'm very sorry about that."

"No, it's ok. Octavia. I faintly remember her as i was born. But... i was a newborn. And you can't really expect to see what you remember when you are born."

Octavia let out a small, cute chuckle from herself. "That's so true. My dad has been taking care of me his whole life since mom died and then he found my other dad when i was five years old, and he is kinda like a second mom to me."

"Good." the Goetia princess smiled.

"But, i don't want to talk about it anymore... it brings too many painful memories. My mom dying and all."

"I understand, Clyde."

"So, can your dad embarrass you sometimes?"

"Sometimes?" the princess pointed out before chuckling. "He can be the most embarrassing creature ever. My dad is can be described as... a dorky dad kind of parent."

"Look Goofy and Max?"

"Exactly!" Then Octavia remembered something and made a gasp. "Oh shit," she said under her breath."

"What's wrong?"

"I left my phone at Uncle Andrealphus' palace. I need my dad to help me get it."

"Dows that mean I have to go?"

"No, no, of course not, Clyde. You can come with me. I cannot lose my phone."

"What would your mom and uncle think of me?"

"Well... I suppose that Andrealphus can hit it off with you, but for my mother... she's complicated."

"Oh. Is it because I'm not rich like you guys?"

"Kind of." Octavia tried to find the right words for her human friend. "But she knows Lincoln too.


"My mother found out about his family's Scottish heritage and how prestigious his family name was in those old days or something. My mother is trying to restore the Loud name to it's 'former glory' of some kind. So she gave Lincoln some nice fancy clothes to try on to make him look sophisticated and royalty material." Octavia began using more exclamation marks with her hands.

"Does that sound like a good idea?" Asked Clyde, "the United States never allows monarchies to rule the country since the Revolution ended."

Octavia laughed. "Very true. But I honestly don't know with what mum is doing with Lincoln will even get him anywhere."

Stolas came inside to check on the two, and when his daughter told him about what happened, Stolas looked reluctant to take her to her uncle's place. But he only did it as his daughter's request.

Clyde immediately felt the cold atmosphere get around his body, and he began shivering. "So c-c-c-old." He said as he was chattering his teeth like a lost baby badger.

"Don't worry, I have a spare coat." Stolas sang. "Here, this was Octavia's cost when she was little."

"But this is a girl coat."

"I know it is." Stolas said with a sigh. "But I do not want you to die of hypothermia, and it is the only cost I have, Clyde.

The boy looked at Octavia and she said: "anything is better than dying."

Reluctant, Clyde put on the coat, and he was getting warm already, and rather cozy. Stolas knocked on the door and crossed his arms in annoyance.

At last, the Goetia marquis opened the front door and looked happy at first, only to scowl at Stolas. "Oh, it's you, again." He rolled his eyes.

"Hey Clyde." Lincoln popped up from behind the marquis.

"Hey Lincoln, what brings you here?"

"Trying on the new outfit Stella gave me before."

"Ah, so this is the friend you told me about, Lincoln my boy?"

"Yep. This is Clyde."

"A pleasure to meet you, your highness."

"The pleasure is all mine." Andrealphus smiled. "And you do not have to be so formal, just call me Andrealphus."

"So, where's your sister?" Lincoln asked

Giving a look of uncomfortableness, Andrealphus said- "well, my sister is going through a rough time right now. She-" before he could finish, everyone heard a very deafening sound of screaming, like a combination of a fox in pain and a heron screaming.

"Stella?" Lincoln recognized the scream. He rushed upstairs and tried to find out what was going on. He noticed that the scream came from the bathroom and heard more screaming and shrieking like Stella was in pain. "Stella, are you on in there?"

"No! Do I sound ok?"

"She's fine, Lincoln." Andrealphus sounded annoyed.

"But it sounds like she is being stabbed over and over again." Lincoln began to sound a little frantic.

"Oh it feels like I am right now." Stella called out from behind the bathroom door.

"She has kidney stones."

Stolas than got an evil smile and pulled out his phone to record the sound of his ex-wife in pain. "Music to my ears." He sighed.

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