Loona Crashes In

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Lincoln was certainly perplexed about what was going on with the Succubus pop star. Sure he was glad to see Loona, but this was all so sudden. "Wait, wait, excessive queef disease?" He asked the female hellhound. "What kind of a disease is that?"

Loona looked a little a comfortable, for Lincoln was still a kid, and he wouldn't know so much about what a "queef" is.

The female hellhound let out a small sigh, and whispered in his right ear what a "queef" was. Lincoln was left disgusted and shocked. "That's disgusting." He said. "And I thought regular farts were bad

"Yep." Loona said. "So when a female demon has excessive queef disease, then it can spread to other female demons like wildfire, and it can be as catchy as catching the flu. Probably more catchy than that."

"Well, why are you here exactly?"

"Hello? Earth to Lincoln?" Loona sang. "I am trying to not get infected by the disease. And, a queef is so much stinkier than a regular fart. It can smell worse than a rotten durian garnished with the stinkiest shit."

"I'll... take your word for it. But what about Blitzo and Moxxie?"

"Well, it's a thing only girls can get and boys are immune to EQD for... obvious reasons."

"Right..." Lincoln said in an uncomfortable voice.

"So Blitzo has nothing to worry about, and he can just live his life normally." Loona pointed. "So now, I gotta find a place to stay for a little while."

"How long does excessive queef disease last?"

"The least amount of days would be... at least five days in most cases."

An idea came to Lincoln's head. "Well, maybe I can talk to my parents about letting you stay here for a few days until it's safe for you to go back down there."

"Oh I couldn't do that. Besides, your parents hate me enough as it is, Lincoln."

"They don't hate you. They just... don't like your attitude."

"Well sucks for them." Loona rolled her eyes.

Nevertheless, Lincoln gathered his family to the living room to tell them about the situation for female demons in Hell, and tried to ask the parents to let Loona stay in this house for a few days.

"No!" Lynn Sr said. "No way, nuh-uh."

"Absolutely not." Rita added

"But where else can Loona go if she can't stay here?"

"Why not have her stay with Clyde?" asked Lori

"Because he and his dads are on vacation to Canada for a few days." Lincoln pointed. "Besides, do you think Loona and Clyde would blend well?"

"That's a good point." Said Lynn.

"But she can't stay here." Said Lynn Sr

"Why not?" Asked Lincoln

"Because she might hurt someone if she is mad enough." said Rita. "We don't want anyone to get hurt... not to mention eat all of our food."

"or get drunk and cause a scene." said Luan

"Look, I won't kill or hurt anyone. And... I know I haven't been the nicest person to you guys, but I won't cause any trouble." Loona said. "At least I won't get drunk here."

Lincoln had to pull out his puppy dog face to his parents while quivering his lips. "Oh the puppy fade again." Said Lynn Sr in an annoyed voice. "Alright, alright, Loona can stay."

"Yes!" Said Lincoln.

"But for a few days only, and if she has any drugs on her, or hurts anyone in the family, she is out of here." Rita said

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