Hanging Out With the Beautiful ladies

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This was something for Lincoln to enjoy in his life. Both women were warm in both sides of him. He believe that if any man in the young adult age would definitely be jealous. He still couldn't stop thinking about admiring the interior decor of Katie's own mansion like this. It would probably impress both Lucy and his sister Luna at the same time. All of these evil-looking guitars mounted on the mansion walls looked very cool and impressive, and it wouldn't be any doubt that the rocker girl back home would love to play one of these babies and shred on them. What kind of rocker wouldn't want to take a gander at these badass guitars and shred on them like Eddie Van Halen would before he died?

"So, do you and Verosika hate each other, Katie?"

"Well, not really hate each other." Katie sighed. "But she can be a total bitch many times. Mom always loved her best." she had a bitter look on her face. "Plus she thinks that my music life will get me nowhere in life so much. Not as much as her music career. But it's my fucking like and I can do whatever the fuck i want with it." then she crossed her arms.

"You guys are sisters and, i'm just going to stay out of these fights." Lincoln said, ducking the rest of his body in the green jacuzzi water. "It doesn't really have anything to do with me."

"No, i get it." said Katie. "Of course this doesn't have anything to do with you. It's just between me and her." she patted him on the head gently. Looking at Loona, she asked: "So how long have you been listening to my music, Loona?"

"Since I was a little girl." the female hellhound smiled. "I listen to your songs every damn day, Katie."

The succubus smiled gratefully with flattery. "Fucking awesome. Can't believe we haven't met each other sooner."

Loona made a small chuckle. "Yeah, i know, we could have been besties a long time ago." she slightly turned her head away.

"Thanks for giving me sister an autograph, by the way." Lincoln remembered. "She hasn't been this happy since she first met Mick Swagger."

A look of surprise appeared on her face. "Mick Swagger? I know him."

"You know Mick?" Lincoln asked

"Yep. Me and that crazy bastard go way back. I even did a few songs with him before, and performed with him a few times."

Lincoln looked surprised. "I wonder if Luna knows about it. She's a big Mick Swagger fan. He's what made her get into rock n roll in the first place going to her first concert."

"I wonder if my sister knows about that." said Lincoln. "Probably does." he rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Good thing he doesn't know about hell, and what you really are."

"Heh, no shit, kiddo." Katie said. "It's kind of the law to keep Hell a secret. But don't worry, you're an alright kid, Lincoln. I like you. How come you don't have a girlfriend?"

"I did have a girlfriend before she moved away." said Lincoln. "But we realized we're more like close friends, that's all." Lincoln admitted. "And another of my best friends is a girl, and i tried to get with her, but she said I was out of my league."

"ooh. I've heard that one to me before." said Katie. "But i still had my way with them anyway."

"Typical for a succubus." said Loona.

"Yep. Being a famous heavy metal singer means you can pretty much do whatever you want in life."

"Is there anything you can't do?" asked Lincoln curiously.

"A few." Katie admitted. "I can't digest mangoes, and and stop my mom from modeling."

Lincoln looked a little weirded out. "Well ok then." He said. "And i don't know if I would call myself cute. I would kinda call myself... handsome."

"Oh there's nothing wrong with being cute, like I said." Said Katie.

"He would he kind of the adorkable kind of kid. He loves reading comic books and superheroes." Loona smirked. "But he's a kid."

"You have a problem with comic books and superheroes?" Lincoln sounded offended.

The female hellhound made a small chuckle. "Nothing. Just saying."

In the McBride residence, Clyde was watching one of his favorite Italian soap operas in TV when her heard the doorbell. Coming to get it, he was surprised to see a face he hasn't seen in a little while.

"Octavia?" Clyde recognized the visitor.

"Hello Clyde." Said the disguised Goetia princess with an adorable smile. "Nice to see you again."

"What brings you here?" The kid said

"Just wanted to come by for a visit. And my dad is screaming at my mum right now. Wanted to get away from the noise."

Clyde frowned. "Uh-oh. That doesn't sound good."

"Yeah. But Dad dropped me off here to make sure I wouldn't get in the middle of everything"

"good. Come on in."

Octavia smiled gratefully. "Don't mind if I do." She say on the couch and Lincoln's best friend sat with her. "Is Lincoln around?"

"Nah, he's hanging out with Loona again. Ever since Loona and Lincoln met, it's like she became her new best friend."

"No, it's not like that. Lincoln talks about you many times. He can never forget about you, sweetie." She gave him a few pats in the right shoulder. "Besides, Loona did save him from murderous muggers. Lincoln is permanently grateful for saving his life. Otherwise, he would be dead."

"true. But I was planning on making my own petit fours."

Octavia made an excited gasp. "Ooh, I love Petit fours! Mind if I help you out with the baking?"

Clyde smiled. "Sure! I can use a test taster."

"Gladly. "What do we do first?"

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