Spending Money Wisely

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Lincoln gulped, knowing he was probably in trouble right now since hellhounds have the ability to literally sniff out lies. Sweat was starting to form on his skin, and he felt like he was going to faint from being busted. He gulped ans didn't really know what to say. "That was you, Lincoln?" said Blitzo, looking hurt by all this.

"Look, I was forced to do this being promised a lot of money, just don't shoot me down!" Lincoln begged on his knees.

"Who forced you?" said Blitzo.

Then the door barged open. It was the beautiful succubus herself. "Relax, you little dipshit. It was me." said Verosika. "If you are going to kill someone, kill me. Not him. He's just a kid."

"Verosika?" Blitzo sounded bitter. "Of all the things you have did, this is very low, even for you!" Blitzo pointed at her. "I gave you my beautiful body, and you did this to me!"

"Copycat!" Verosika blurted. "That's what I said to you before, right before we broke up!" then she made a small growl. "Look, don't try and skin Lincoln alive. The whole prank was my doing. Airgo, the snapping turtle, all me."

"And he latched on his ass real good." said Loona with a smirk. "I got it on video before Lincoln pried it off of him."

"Ooh! Show me." said Verosika with glee.

"Loony!" Blitzo scolded. "Don't show it to her!"

"Why not? It's hilarious." Verosika looked at the video Loona recorded and she couldn't help but laugh hysterically at how Blitzo was screaming and squirming around in pain as Snappy was firmly biting his ass like the world's strongest taffy.

"You look so fucking ridiculous." Verosika wiped a tear from her eye.

Blitzo then looked at Lincoln in surprise. "How much did she even pay you to pull this prank on me?" he asked the kid

"five-hundred dollars." Lincoln admitted.

The imp looked at Verosika with a look full of hatred and anger and malice towards her. Verosika just smiled at him like this was a game to her. "You evil, evil (bleep!)" Blitzo said to her. "I should have the right to cut your (bleep) from your shit-smelling pussy and make you eat it!"

The pop star immediately took offense and grew infuriated at that disgusting insult. "What did you just say, pussy-face!?" she exclaimed. "No one, and I mean no one talks to me like that! All the more reason why i fucking broke up with you!"

"OK, OK, OK," said Loona, trying to intervene. "Blitzo that is just disgusting and messed up. Even for you."

"Yeah, i mean, isn't that... evil?" asked Lincoln. "I know this is Hell, but still, that is lowdown."

"I can name many African and Asian countries where stuff like that happens to women and girls all the time." Blitzo tried to defend himself. "Except for the eating part."

"Well we're not in Africa or Asia, you idiot!" said Loona. "Not to mention say that in front of a kid like that. And Verosika, he's kinda right, asking a kid to do this prank on Blitzo like that? Granted, it was really funny, but still."

"I admit, it was my idea." Verosika sighed. "But what Blitzo said-"

"Yes, but you guys behave like children when it comes to this."

"Come on, it was his fault!" the succubus pointed at her ex-boyfriend. "He planted a Durian in the building where you guys work, and where I work."

"OK then, Blitzo planted a durian, and you got a snapping turtle to bite his ass. I think you guys should call it even." Loona said.

"I never play to get even, Loona." said Blitzo. "I always play to win."

"And so do i." said Verosika.

"Blitzo, i'm... so sorry about this, please don't hurt or kill me. i mean, five-hundred dollars is a lot of money as a reward. And... who can possibly ignore or refuse something like that?"

"Fair enough." Blitzo said. "I'm just glad that the turtle didn't bite my sac or dick off. I would kill myself if that ever happens. It is every man's worst nightmare."

"OK, don't make me throw up." Loona said. "Blitzo, if you want to kill Lincoln, you'll have to go through me."

"Ah, Loony." Said Blitzo. "You wouldn't Maul or mutilate your own dad, would you?"

"Yes. Yes I would." The female hellhound said bluntly. "Even if you try to hurt or kill Lincoln."

"Oh calm down." Blitzo said. "Lincoln, I get it. Five-hundred dollars is a rather hefty sum for a reward. Besides, I know how much Loona likes you as a friend."

"Not my friend, Blitzo." Loona corrected him. "Look, Lincoln, let's probably get the fuck out of here before shit gets ugly."

"Good idea." Lincoln wasted no time in in wanting to get out of this conflict.

"Lincoln, wait!" Said Verosika before pulling out the same wad of cash from before. "Don't forget about this, sweetie. Spend it on something nice."

"Thank you." Lincoln politely said. "And Blitzo, I'm sorry again." Then he got out of the apartment with Loona. "Man, this was one of the most awkward things I have ever been in. Good thing Blitzo didn't pull out a shotgun on me and blasted my brains out.

"Lincoln," said Loona, "if Blitzo hated you, then he would have killed you." She snapped her fingers. "Just like that. He has ways of killing people he hates. Trust me, you'll he ok."

"I'll take your word for it." Lincoln rolled his eyes and looked at the wad of cash again. "Would you protect me in case Blitzo tries to kill me in revenge, Loona?"

"You'e thinking of worse case scenarios, Linc." Loona pointed. "Don't think so hard. All it does is hurt your head."

"Yeah, you're right." The kid took a small breath. "At least I can give Snappy back to Liam." The snapping turtle made a small sound from him, sounding happy that he hit Blitzo' ass.

"So what are you gonna do with five-hundred dollars? Maybe a new console or laptop?"

"Maybe. But I wanna look and see what's out there."

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