Staying Out Of Hell Or Not

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Lincoln was still shaken from the whole ordeal with Crimson as he was given an ice cream from Loona from a nearby parlor. The kid got a three scoop of soft-serve vanilla on a cone and Loona just got herself a sundae since hellhounds are big eaters with a large appetite. Sitting outside and enjoying their treats, Lincoln liked how yummy it was for him to enjoy, and Loona was happy to see him try to get back on his feet after the whole fucking crazy ordeal.

"This is good."

"Heh, no shit." Loona chuckled. "Normally i don't come to this fucking joint."

"Why not? How can anyone not like ice cream?" Lincoln asked

Loona raised his eyebrow at him. "Isn't it obvious?"

"Oh... right. You're trying to be as beautiful as possible."

Loona blushed at being called beautiful and said: "Well, i was going to say watch my carbs and calories, but that's good too." then she took another bite out of her sundae. "But, you doing ok?"



"Ah! There you are." said a British female voice. "We've been looking for you, Lincoln." It was Stella and with her was Andrealphus. Every demon around them bowed so that they wouldn't have to face Stella's wrath since she can be pretty evil when she is angry. Lincoln gulped and felt like hiding behind Loona for protection.

"Please don't hurt me!" Lincoln pleaded

"What?" asked Stella. "What are you talking about?"

"Well... you look like you're about to kill someone right now, or about to kill me."

"Nevermind her," said Andrealphus. "That's what i'm here for, my boy."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Stella sneered on her brother.

"Nothing! Nothing."

Stella just narrowed her eyes in Andrealphus, and looked back at Lincoln. "I've wanted to give you a new set of nice shoes to wear in case you want to join any classy and sophisticated party." she pulled out the shoes that were the color of gold and looked absolutely fancy.

"Thank you." Lincoln said.

"Of course. Anything for someone who descended from royalty." Stella replied in a regal way. She then looked at Loona, then gave her a look of disdain. "Still associating yourself with this... mangy mutt i see."

"Stella, please. Not in front of them." Andrealphus groaned.

Loona just made a small growl and said: "Figures a pompous cunt like you would see us like that. You Goetias here are the same."

"Look, Tuna is it?"

"Loona!" the female hellhound pointed in offense.

"Right. My apologies, sorry." Andrealphus chuckled. "We just wanted to give Lincoln what he needs to restore his family royalty to his former and glory."

"Well you can both leave now." Loona sounded a little impatient. "The kid's had a run in with a shitty imp in the Greed ring."

"Oh dear." said Andrealphus

"Bah, imps are all alike to me. Pride, wrath, greed, an imp is still an imp." Stella shrugged.

"Look, I just need to forget about what Crimson did to me and my friends."

"Crimson?" Said Andrealphus and Stella in unison.

"You know him?" Asked Loona.

"We have heard of him." Andrealphus pointed. "That nasty little shit is a fucking nasty piece of work."

"I'm pretty sure after meeting him, what you said would he an understatement." Lincoln pointed.

"Lincoln, this isn't any of there business." Loona whispered to them.

"What? I'm a little shaken after all that had happened." Lincoln pointed.

"Did he hurt you?" Asked Stella

"Two slaps to the face, but nothing serious." Lincoln nodded.

"Well if you want my advice: stay away from the Greed ring at all costs. Crimson has eyes and ears everywhere down there." Stella pointed. "But I'm... glad you are alright." Then she gently gave him the shoes. "And please do not have these shoes be exposed to anything dirty or repulsive. When a small drop of mud would ruin them in an instant! I'll go angry ostrich on you if that happens."

"Stella." Andrealphus groaned again. "Easy. Mother and father always warned you about your boiling point inside."

"I don't want to talk about it!" Now Stella was starting to sound defensive about that fact. "You swore you would never bring that up again!"

"Tut tut, sister dear." Andrealphus said. "You need to take a chill pill again."

Sighing in defeat, the Goetia princess replied: "very well. I do need a chill pill."

"Forgive us, Lincoln." Her brother smiled. "My sister is one to get out of sorts. See you soon!"

"Thank you." Lincoln smiled and looked at the neat shoes.

"They are just pompous assholes." Loona pointed in disdain. "They are a real pain in the ass."

"Well Stolas isn't really like that." Lincoln pointed. "Neither is Octavia."

"I know. But it's politician shit. And I fucking hate politicians." Then they both continued eating their ice cream until they were all gone. "And... sorry if I lost my temper back there. The Goetias just... piss me off many times."

"I'm more concerned about Millie and Tex." Lincoln admitted

"Tex is as strong as a wall made up of the strongest cinderblocks. He can take care of himself." Loona reassured. "And for Millie, she is incredibly strong for a ditzy little bitch. She'll be fine too."

Lincoln was silent as he slowly looked away from his hellhound friend. "Maybe I should never come down here again. What if Crimson kidnaps me again?"

"Come on, you're still alive, right?"


"And no one is one-hundred percent safe. Either in Hell, or up on Earth." Loona continued explaining. "So just buck up, Lincoln and remember who is there to help you down here, ok Lincoln?"

"OK, but I need to think." The white-haired boy pointed.

"I get it, kid. You need a little break from all the crazy stuff you have been experiencing down here and want to stay up on Earth for a little while."

"Uh-huh. But again, you're here to help me save my back."

"Yep. Any chickenshit murderers tries to hurt you down here, they will have to get the through me."

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