Getting A Jacket For Lincoln

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The Hazbin Hotel employees were rather (mostly) nice, and Lincoln was glad to have met and get to know these people more. Loona was more... indifferent as usual, but that is just Loona that many people expect her to be. Deep down, she was thinking of giving her human friend something nice. They were both in an ice cream parlor with some Hellhound friends.

Normally, she wouldn't do something nice for a friend for... obvious reasons. But she ultimately does care about Lincoln on the inside, and they have known each other long enough for her to at least give him some kind of gift.

Thinking of what eleven-year old kids would like. There were some cards like on some food chains to purchase, but... those aren't exactly permanent. Maybe... something cool and amazing would be something she should give him as a gift. "A jacket!" Loona said

"What's that, Loona?" Lincoln asked

"Nothing. Nothing." The female hellhound lied. She wanted to surprise him about the gift since many people like surprises, the good kind. "I was just thinking of how cool Johnny would look in a leather jacket."

"Ooh, I have plenty of those." Johnny pointed. Looking back at the human boy, he asked: "so you met the Hazbin Hotel folks huh?"

"Yep. The daughter of Lucifer is really nice."

"Heh, she's kind of like an angel, and yet I hate angels." Loona said.

"huh, yeah angels are the worst. Think they are so righteous." Johnny used exclamation marks in his fingers. "And think they are better than us demons being the hands of God." He sounded rather bitter talking about them.

"More like self-righteous cunts and douchebags." Esme said.

"Charlie told me about the Exorcists too." Lincoln said.

"Those are the worst of them all." Said Tex. "Avoid them at all costs."

"I wonder if they would spare me because I'm a human." Lincoln wondered.

"Some things are not worth the risk, kiddo." Loona pointed. "They might target you too just for associating with us. When Extermination Day comes, stay on Earth until it's over."

"Yeah, they spare no one. Not even the children." Esme said.

"Charlie mentioned that." Lincoln pointed. "Though I was expecting angels to do that kind of thing against Demons"

"Yeah, the Bible had a knack for... glorifying angels their own sins." Tex bitterly stated. "You know that most Bible shit is propaganda, right? A saint can be a sinner too, Lincoln. Always remember that."

"Got it."

"So Loo, where's Blitzo?"

"He's... having more... quality time with Stolas." Loona had an uncomfortable look on her wolf-like face. "You don't want to know."

"Why does that Goetia keep getting in Blitzo' life?" Johnny asked curiously.

Silent and looking even more uncomfortable than before, Loona just said, "let's just say that Blitzo is Stolas' first friend in his life, and there is a complicated relationship between those two. I prefer not to describe anymore."

"I get it." Said Esme. "Shouldn't ruin good ice cream time like this. Bottoms up, people."

Everyone began enjoying their ice cream and Loona couldn't help but ask Lincoln: "so how is Clyde with Octavia?"

"they are still getting along nicely." The boy replied. "It's like they are meant to be friends. Like how you and I are meant to be friends."

"Ah, ok, you got me." Loona smirked. "But I still don't like being hugged, ok?"

"I know. I know."

"What was it like meeting Queen Beelzebub?" Asked Johnny. "Was she fun, Lincoln?"

"Yeah she was really nice. She said she took. Liking to me."

"You know, that reminds me." Tex realized. "What happened back there, Loona?"

"Nothing." Loona said. "It was just a misunderstanding. Really, it was nothing, I... accidentally ate some bad Beezlejuice."

"Odd, it has sugar in it and sugar never goes bad." Tex said."

"I was... slightly hungover too." Loona continued to lie. "I can get pretty cranky with hangovers."

"I get it." Said Esme, "can't handle the booze sometimes, eh, Loona?"

"You have no idea." Loona made a small, nervous chuckle. "But everything is fine now. I have no hatred or any bad vibes with her. It's all bridge under the water now."

"OK, I mean it wasn't the first time you... lashed out to Bee."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember when you first went to one of her parties a few months ago?" Tex pointed.

The female hellhound looked embarrassed. "That was a misunderstanding," she sighed. "Technically, that was Blitzo' fault."

"OK, Ok," said Tex. "Just a little concerned, that's all."

"Come on guys." Said Lincoln, "like Esme said, let's not ruin a good ice cream time."

"yeah, let the kid have his happiness." Said Johnny. "No need to make things awkward."

The Next Day

Lincoln was at school and Loona was out shopping for some cool leather jacket for Lincoln to have. She wanted to make sure that it would fit him perfectly to try on.

Blitzo was also with her so he can buy himself some new pants since most of them were filled with too many stains from... his happy juice.

"Hey Loony, what do you think of these babies?" Blitzo showed her some cheesy pants colored red.

"Pfft, like an idiot." Loona scoffed. "This is the most ridiculous thing you wore. Well... your leopard-skin bikini is the worst, but this is a very close second."

Pouting so try his arms crossed. "Not in public for fucks sake!" He said. "I told you those are private," his reaction just made Loona chuckle even more. "We'll have you found a jacket for the kid?"

"Not yet. There's so many fucking jackets for him but I can't figure out which one."

Something interesting caught her eyes and saw a black leather jacket with a scary werewolf or hellhound colored red on it showing its angry face and words entitled "Little Badass" on it.

"I think I found it." She said as she got a closer look at the duds.

"This one says sixty bucks." Blitzo

"Not my credit card." Loona said

"Come on, Loony, I-" he was stopped when Loona gave him puppy eyes, begging. "Oh, I can never say no to that face."

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