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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Drew notices that there's something off about his wife.

Side note: Yes, I might've been inspired by the movie a little bit. 🌚

It was a Sunday evening when everyone was back at home from church it had been stressful day for the Bishop and the First Lady but since they were now home they were relaxing in their own ways before coming together to relax because tensions were high with the church and they just needed some space from everything after being together all day and heated at the staff for not doing their job correctly. So, in order to not take anything out on each other, Drew stayed downstairs while Karen went upstairs and undressed herself changing into something more comfortable and when she did that she couldn't help but to just sit on the bed and stare at the wall for an unusual amount of time. This doing always calmed her in a way and no one knew that about her she just felt free just staring into outer space, daydreaming if you will.

But while she was doing her so-called, daydreaming something happened she started hearing voices again as she heard them while she was in church. No, it wasn't normal voices that she heard. The voices that she heard weren't familiar to her and she didn't know where they were coming from until she analyzed everything around her. The TV was off, Drew was downstairs having his quiet time and the kids weren't home and then she realized it was her. Once again she had been hearing distinctive voices inside her head and this wasn't the first, the second, nor the third time that this had happened this had been constantly happening to her for a long time now and she couldn't understand why it was coming back.

She knew of her health issues but she didn't think it was this bad and she didn't need to deal with this right now because she was trying to de-stress. But it was difficult for her to do so since the voices were getting louder and louder until she was on the bed covering her ears as if someone was screaming at her gritting her teeth trying to get the voices to stop.

"Karen don't ignore us that's rude!" One of the voices said and Karen realized that they were talking to her again. "Not again, not again, not again." Karen pleaded as she repeated herself over and over again wanting the voices to stop. "Make them go away, make them go away!" She hollered to herself hitting her head thinking that will help stop them. "Silly you can't smack us out of you!" Another voice said and Karen was growing frustrated by the minute.

"Who are you?!" She asked her. "Now, Karen don't be shocked you know us." The voice said.

"Yeah, you birthed us." The other one said as if she was shrugging her shoulders and Karen made a stank face shaking her head no. "I ain't birth no one but my two kids!" Karen said as if she was literal. "Lord look at her as slow as ever." Quin Quin said. "Don't be mean to her you know she's having a tough time right now." Alice told Quintella. "Yeah but I ain't think she would forget about us." She said to Alice and Karen just started biting her nails as nervous as ever.

"I didn't forget." Karen said out loud to them as she was still staring at the wall as if she was talking to it.

"Oh, so you just straight up ignored us then, huh is that it?" Quintella asked her feeling offended. "I had too." Karen said as she pouted like a child. "I can't be talking to y'all all the time." Karen told them. "Yes you can." Alice said. "It's okay to talk too yourself." She told, Karen but Quintella looked at her as if she needed help. "See that's why her own kids already think she's crazy." Quin Quin said not caring about Karen's feelings. "Don't be meannnn." Alice told her again.

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