Is she alright?

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Notes: Karen is rushed to the hospital after having a stroke.

When the paramedics put Karen in the stretcher they had rushed her off to the ER seeing that her stroke was still going on and they knew that it could've been a serious one to where she needed medical treatment right away. While they rushing her off to the hospital, Oprah's network cameras had followed, Drew out to the ambulance being stopped by the police not allowing them to go any further than what they were allowed to go.

"I never should've let you go through with that interview." Drew said blaming himself for not telling Karen no which was his weakness when it came to his wife. But Karen had wanted to put the rumors to rest and the best way they thought they could've done it was on the Oprah show since everybody watched it. However that wasn't in Karen's best interest forgetting how bias Oprah can be with certain people sometimes and Karen was no exception.

Now, Karen was thinking to herself that the world really saw what a mess she was and was stressed out not only by them seeing her go through a mental breakdown but having her snap over the phone with her incarcerated sister who tried to murder her and killed her late-son, Andrew and that was probably just too much for her to handle even though Karen thought she was ready she guessed she wasn't once she had sat down in that chair and that's when the stroke had started.

Once Karen was in a patient room getting worked on the doctors had gave her some medical treatment for the stroke so, she can be treated to immediately. But if they hadn't have gotten to her when they did it probably would've been way worse than what it was now.

Out in the waiting lobby while the doctors worked on Karen was Drew who kept pacing the lobby floors.

"Drew?!" Jacky hollered rushing through the hospital doors.

"Is she OKAY?!" Jacky asked worried about her baby sister seeing the hell that Karen was going through on live tv. "I should've talked Karen out of doing that interview I knew this wasn't good for her with what Oprah be having up her sleeve." Jacky said shaking her head and blaming herself also for what just happened to Karen.

"Jacky don't blame yourself that ain't gonna do no good." Drew said just now realizing that. "If anything we can actually blame both Oprah and Dorinda for this for making my wife suffer some more and on live tv at that." Drew said shaking his head.

"Come on now we not gonna sit around here worrying let's get to praying." Twinkie said gathering up her family around so they could go to the chapel.

Once they had went into the chapel's hospital they prayed for Karen to recover quickly and well.

And about 30 minutes later the doctors came back out looking for them as he had just seen them walk out of the chapel.

"The family of Karen Clark-Sheard?" The doctor asked Drew coming up to him.

"Yes." He said with her siblings behind him.

"How's my wife can I see her?" He asked him and so the doctor gave him a run down of what was going on with Karen and what she was going to need to do once she got back home. Then after he was done telling Drew everything he let her see her.

"Heyy honey." He said walking up towards Karen's hospital bed and getting a chair to scoot up next to her bed and Karen just smiled at him since she was so tired.

"Are you okay do you need anything?" Drew asked his wife tending to her needs if she needed anything and Karen just shook her head no. "Tired." Karen simply said turning her head as if she was dozing off to sleep already after having that stroke.

"The doctor said that she'll be tired." Jacky said as she looked at how physically weak her baby sister was looking because of what happened during the interview.

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