The Pills, Karen!

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Notes: Things seem to be falling into place for Karen while Drew tries to figure out what's wrong with his wife and why she won't take her pills?

When she got home everyone was just checking on her to make sure that she was okay. Since she wasn't at the house when they had got there. "Are you okay?" Dorinda asked her being the first one to get up pushing Drew out the way. But Alice just nodded her head yeah not really saying anything. "We'll fix that one or get you a new one." Dorinda said and Alice just shook her head okay feeling kinda upset about it still. "We're proud of you for not fighting them." Doe said with the rest of her sisters agreeing with her. "But I wanted too." Alice said sighing. "But we're glad you didn't." Jacky said giving Alice a side huge because when Alice fights she fights to kill.

"I wanted to hit their car with a brick." Alice cried with her hand over her face. "Awee I know you wanted too but we're glad that you didn't." Dorinda said moving a strand of hair from Alice's face. "It was so hard not too." She cried again wiping her own tears. "We're still proud of you and you did great." Twinkie said and the rest of her sister's agreed along with Leo and they just did a few of Karen's favorite things to cheer, Alice up.

So, this just proved that the exercises with Dr.Womack was working.

Time Jump:

It was a new month and Karen was going to find out what the gender of her baby was going to be today and needless to say she was actually pretty nervous about it. She knew that today was supposed to be joyous time in her life but it wasn't. She felt nothing but dread and fear. She just hoped to God that it was another baby boy. It just had to be a boy. She had been preparing and only concentrating for boys so, far as she was going through this pregnancy journey alone for at least the first half of it. She thought to herself.

When she went to her doctors appointment today she waited nervously in the clinic tapping her leg. She had been on the bed rest of what Dr.Brown told her to go on but Drew had wondered why she was even put on bed rest in the first place after he had asked, Karen about why she was just staying in bed for the most part and having to not book anymore shows. He thought it could've been the fact that Dr.Womack had changed out her medication so, she could start taking them again but just like Dr.Womack he knew that there had to be something else and Karen wasn't trying to tell them anything.

It was like that morning she could no longer hold in her morning sickness as Drew was just about to leave out for work she had to run into the bathroom and basically threw her guts up.

Drew however stayed behind and helped to hold his wife's hair and spoke to her until after she was done cleaning herself up and brushing her teeth. "Could've been something that you ate?" Drew asked her as he got back into the bed with her knowing that she wasn't pregnant.

And, Karen just nodded her head yes going with that automatic lie. "Do you need me to get anything for you?" He asked her as he held her and she just shook her head no. "I-I just need to sleep it off." Karen told him. "You don't have to stay in from work today." She said to him and Drew looked at his wife like she was crazy. "Nahh I gotta stay home." He said. But Karen lightly shook her head no not wanting to make herself sick again. "It's fine, Drew. I promise." Karen said. "I'll call you if you I need anything." She told him. "You sure?" Drew asked her. "Yeah." Karen said, "And besides you're already ready for work." She told him. So, with that he gave his wife a kiss on the forehead as Karen was glad that she had got him out the house so, she could go to her doctors appointment alone today because she didn't need her husband questioning her on where she was going and then wanting to go with her.

When, Karen was done thinking about that it was now her time to figure out what the gender was and her heart was beating a thousand miles per hour as she laid down on the table with the nurse putting the gel on her stomach. "Today's the big day are you excited to find out?" She had asked, Karen and Karen didn't even know how to answer that so, Karen just gave a soft and shy smile nodding her head yes. "Well it's okay to be nervous." She said smiling at Karen while she got the machine going and so, she started checking for what it was..."And hereee we gooo." The nurse happily said as she checked for the sex of the baby.

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