Can I show you my tears? P2

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Notes: A continuation from the last chapter since it was too long to keep into one chapter.

While outside, Alice was standing behind the rail resting her arms on it while holding the stuffed bunny rabbit thinking about baby Andrew as she cried some more over him. Of course, it wasn't like her alters had ever held, Andrew while he was alive because they weren't even born yet until during the robbery and murder. But seeing him be murdered like that in front of her was a lot as she thought back to that night and it made her hurt even more screaming out in pain while she held on tightly to the stuffed animal while letting her tears flow some more as she sniffled roughly while running her shaky hands through Karen's hair.

But she knew it was going to be okay because this new baby boy as they believed it to be was coming and everything will be back to normal as they had hoped and believed it to be.

But while she was crying she didn't realize that a black van had pulled up in front of the railing and suddenly stopped after she heard a car door slam open. "Karen Clark Sheard?" One of them asked her and Alice thought it had to be some fans as she quickly tried to dry her tears but they had already seen them.

"Uh, yes." Alice said trying to sound like Karen after clearing her throat. Then, they started talking to her about her singing and then one of the adults looked down and saw the stuffed animal that Alice was lowkey trying to hide from them and they always thought to themselves that Karen just seemed a little bit off from the rest of her siblings. "What's that?" One of the women had asked, Karen and Alice looked down at her other hand that had nothing in it not trying to show them what she was holding because that was personal.

"No, silly in your other hand. See y'all I told you she was funny." They had told their girls. But when, Alice didn't show them her other hand completely out they snatched the bunny rabbit from her. "NO!" Alice said in a childlike voice as she was starting to have separation anxiety issues from her stuffed animal. "Oooh, Look at what we have here. Why do you have this with you?" They asked her looking at her as if she was weird for having a child's toy. "You're to grown too be having this they told her and then they started messing with her taking it from her.

And it made Alice very upset.

"Give it back!" Alice shouted in almost a child like voice as her eyes started watering up again. But they just laughed at her. "It's only a stuffed animal you don't need this!" She teased, Karen. "Wait. Noo!" Karen pleaded with them as they started messing with the stuffed animal and one of them cut it open right in front of her and Alice started breathing hard trying not to fight them since she have learned to calm down because of Dr.Womack but these evil women in front of her was about to piss her off and there weren't any going back after this if she had gotten him back.

"GIVE HIM BACK!" Alice yelled in a child-like manner as they reached it out to her only to quickly snatch it back again. "I don't feel like it." One of them said as they were holding it about to let all the cotton from it fall out of him. "NOO PLEASE STOP!" Alice yelled at them and then her mind kept taking her back to that night where the men would hold, Andrew in front of her as if they were playing with him only to harm and kill him later on in front of her.

"GIVE HIMM BACKK!" Alice shouted at them again she tried to get the now messed up bunny rabbit from them with tears blurring her eyes but they took a giant step backwards heading back to their car with the stuffed animal in it taunting her with it some more as the driver drove off with it. Then, Alice burst out in tears as she tried running after the car not forgetting that she was pregnant as she held her stomach feeling slight cramping going on again.

When she finally caught up to the car it was as if the car had knowingly stopped just for her as she was now out of breath. Then one of the girls came out of the car with it taunting her with the stuffed animal some more seeing that Karen was really crying over it. "Damn it's only a fucking toy." She said not knowing the significance of it and not knowing that she was messing with the wrong alter. "NO IT'S MY FUCKING SON!" Alice yelled at her getting a little bass back in her voice letting her know that she was really pissed off.

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