Revenge P3

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Notes: The family finally finds out where Karen and her alters are hiding with baby Aidden. Both Karen and her baby is scared. And, Aidden got Karen's mind running ragged.

Once they made it to a different state in another hotel room Quin had gone away seeing that she was exhausted from driving all those long hours by herself. So, she had let Alice take over while Karen was still not paying attention to anything that was happening because she had mentally checked out much like Dr.Womack said. Now, all Karen was doing was just mindlessly thinking about her baby whom she couldn't see but didn't realize that he was there with her. That's how bad her mind had got over the last two months because she wasn't allowed to see her son.

Of course she had been taking her medication for depression and anxiety but her medicine for depression have recently made her feel numb to it and so, it was as if it had stopped working. But Dr.Womack had advised her that if she were to stop taking them again then her episodes with depression would get worser than before when she was off of the medication. So, she just kept taking them not saying anything to her too get the right help she needed fearing that nothing would help her. But that wasn't true that was her anxiety messing with her to make her situation worse.

So, here Alice was finding the hotel room that Quin had got for them to say in for that night after she made their way out of Detroit in disguise. She was glad that she could easily cover up, Aidden so people couldn't see him just in case if the family had caught on. But she doubted that they had woken back up that quickly seeing that she had gave them an extra dose of Karen's sleeping medication. So, she knew that they were gonna be knocked out for a good while especially for those who got hit with the frying pan that Alice was using as a weapon.

So, after Alice found the room she saw that baby Aidden had wanted to get out of his car seat due to him not being able to just do whatever he wanted to do and when she saw that she bent down and took him out of it not letting him stay in until she had opened up the door for safety reasons. Now, here Alice was holding baby Aidden improperly while trying to close the door behind her instead of just leaving him in his carseat so, it could've been easier for her to carry him on the inside rather than picking him up on the outside. It was almost as if he was slipping out of her arms while still trying to hold onto to her hand. It would be enough to scare mothers everywhere. Then, he was falling right before he hit the floor and Alice caught him.

"Don't worry mommy's got you." Alice said lifting up Aidden like nothing happened but he was afraid for a little while as he tried to get comfortable in his mothers chest for comfort while Alice brought the last of the stuff into the hotel room.

Once they were on the bed, Alice sat him down in the middle of the bed not really knowing how to care for a baby. But at least Quin was always nearby now to help take care of him. Because right now, Alice was being a little bit careless with baby Aidden.

Of course, she would never intentionally hurt him but the fact that her brain was still mentally undeveloped she was prone to let some things happen to him that could cause serious harm him to him even though it was an accident. Which was why Dr.Womack was so stressed about not letting Karen have another baby when her alters were around.

Mentally, Alice's brain age was around 8-10 years old. Yes she could follow and read some directions along with some simple instructions but she still looked at everything as a child within that age range and did everything as a child.

And the best, Alice could do with Aidden was play with him and to let Quin be the mother too him for now whenever Karen checked back in because right now Karen mentally clocked out since last Sunday when she wasn't allowed to hold her son for longer than 5 minutes and realized that she probably was never gonna get him back like how she wanted too.

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