Hell hath no fury

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Notes: Karen's alters tries to come for everyone in different ways after they're not be allowed to see their baby.

(Imagine that this is them sitting at home on their couch

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(Imagine that this is them sitting at home on their couch.)

"This some bullshit you mean to tell me that I can't see my own child?!" Karen hollered at them with her arms crossed as she was sitting on her couch at home. "Karen baby we went over this." Drew calmly tried to tell her but Karen was still mad at him for letting their child be taken away and for letting Dorinda care for it.

"Drew who's talking to you right now?!" Karen rhetorically asked him as she unfolded her arms to squinty her hands up being irritated with him.

And so, Drew just turned his head not saying anything else until he was spoken to trying to gain his wife's trust back in any way he could and knew how to do.

"Gawd this some shit." Karen said because she was so frustrated with how everything was going.

"It's not right that everybody can see my son except for me. I'm the one who birthed him and carried him for nine months and out of seven of those months y'all didn't even know that I was pregnant and even before then, y'all niggas didn't want him. Y'all didn't want me being pregnant but now y'all bitch asses want to keep me away from my child and why?? What's the fucking reason? Name one good got damn reason why I can't have him?!" Karen angrily asked them.

"Karen you know why you can't see him and you refuse to see it. You've gotten so pissy with everyone lately and I'm a need you to realize that until you heal yourself from what happened, YOU AINT NEVA GONNA SEE OUR SON AGAIN IF YOU KEEP THIS UP!" Drew said snapping at her because he was tired of her madness but he knew that it wasn't her fault.

But that was a mistake to snap off on her like because the next thing that happened was that Karen got up and walked upstairs leaving the meeting that they were having to discuss what was going to happen to baby Aidden.

Then, Karen got up and left the living room putting her hands over her mouth to hide her quivering lips to try too keep from crying.

And when she got upstairs to her room she slammed the door.

And not only that but Drew also got up to go after his wife to bring her back downstairs so they could finish this discussion because lately, Drew has had enough of Karen's alters attitudes and he was gonna put a stop too it all.

"Karen." Drew said shutting the door behind them so they could have some privacy to talk.

"Why are you being so ridiculous?!" Drew asked her forgetting that he was supposed to be gentle with her. But he just couldn't do it in that moment because the stakes were raised high on if they we're gonna get Aidden back sooner rather than later.

"Ughhhhhh you're still talking?!" Karen sarcastically told him.

"Listen, Karen you're gonna start respecting me again and you're gonna lose this fucking attitude that probably got from your got damn alters!" He hollered at her while snatching her arm up to keep her from walking away from him. But he didn't do it roughly to the point where it would hurt her. But she did look at him like he was crazy tho.

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