Revenge P1

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Notes: Quin and Alice tries to come up with a better plan to take revenge out on everybody who pissed Karen and her alters off.

"This some bullshit!" Karen hollered at Drew as soon as they made it into the door as she was taking off her coat and shoes just leaving it anywhere.

"I can't even hold my own son without asking for fucking permission and I'M A GROWN ASS WOMAN!" Karen hollered at him turning around to face him for a quick second until she made her way upstairs.

"Karen you know exactly why you can't hold him or be around him for long the only reason why you're acting out is because you haven't accepted it yet and WHEN YOU DO IT'LL BE BETTER FOR EVERYONE!" Drew hollered at her looking up the stairs.

"FUCK EVERYONE WHEN EVERYONE CAN SEE MY CHILD EXCEPT FOR ME!" Karen hollered back at him and he just shook his head sighing. "She'll get there." He said to himself as he made his way into the kitchen to let Karen cool off.

While he was in the kitchen, Karen was upstairs once again looking through the papers pulling out the guardianship forms. When, Drew tried to go into the room after he was done with being downstairs he realized that she had blocked the door with something heavy instead of just simply locking it.

"KAREN OPEN THIS DOOR!" He hollered at his wife being unable to get it open all the way to get too her. "NO YOU STAY YOUR ASS OUTSIDE!" Karen hollered back at him as she looked through the papers again and when Drew couldn't get in he just took a break and went back downstairs.

Letting her have sometime to herself seeing that she needed it to possibly help calm her down.

"Something gotta be in here." Karen said to herself as she was now crying flipping through the papers re-reading them over and over again trying to find anything a loophole something that would make her son stay with her longer than what the initial time frame was that they had decided to come up with based upon her mental health.

Karen done looked through those papers at least over 50 times in one day and she was looking through them for another 50 times a day again.

Then, she just felt weak and weary dropping to the floor after having too much stress on her.

"Karen?!" Drew yelled hearing a thud come from upstairs and he ran up the steps and when finally made it to his bedroom he busted open the door and he saw his wife passed out on the floor.

"Oh goodness, Karen." Drew said picking his wife up bridal style and laying her in the bed while calling their home doctor.

But on the inside of her mind, Quintella and Alice was talking to each other.

"This some foul shit they got going on." Quin said with her arms folded while Karen was steady crying in her corner sitting down in it while Quin had talked to Alice.

"They hurt her feelings." Alice whined pouting her lips not liking what she was seeing.

"I thought you said that your plan was gonna work!" Alice hollered at her. "It was going to if that nigga was soft BUT HIS ASS IS ROUGH AS HELL!" Quin hollered at her. "I thought you could take rough dick ain't that what you've been saying and getting at all this long time?!" Alice said as she was slightly teasing Quin for not being able to take Drew's dick.

"I'm a need you to shut up before I make you shut up." Quin threatened her and Alice just piped down for the moment until they came up with a better plan.

"What was your plan gonna be anyways?!" Alice said. "I was gonna seduce him and once I had him where I wanted him I was either gonna get him under my full control because this pussy has power and get him on record to undo what he did when he made Dorinda, ANDREWWWW'S guardian. I was gonna have him change his mind. Or I was just gonna smother him if that didn't work out but he ain't let me get no opening in like I thought I was gonna have." Quin said folding her arms some more. "I thought he was a nice guy all the way around but apparently he's a monster in bed." Quin said biting her lips.

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