Can I show you my tears?

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Notes: Karen and her sisters gets back to working on singing and they take the stage emotions overcome Karen as her and Doe have a moment on stage together with the rest of the sisters still singing.

Sidenote: I'm a be using this picture because it fits for what's happening in this chapter especially their performance. Yes, I decided to let Karen have braces on for this bit because it's going to be needed with what a couple of people says about her about what happened during the robbery and also, she just looks so cute here and I keep imagining Alice with the red/orangish hair color that Karen used to wear. It just fits, Alice's personality so well. 🥺♥️

After this argument with J.Drew and him getting his butt whooped by his daddy, Drew went to go check onto see if his wife was okay while Kierra was left to talk some sense into J.Drew.

"Baby?" Drew said walking into there bedroom that they shared only to see Karen fast asleep but he took a look at the side of her face and he saw that there were still some damp tear drops on her face from crying and he knew that she had to have cried some more after she had laid down. When he saw his wife sleeping he decided to pull the blanket up over her since she really wasn't in the bed yet and he gave her a kiss on the forehead going into his office to call her siblings about what happened because he was still pissed TF' off about his son talking any kind of way to his mother. Ain't nobody was allowed to do that to Karen.

Going into his office he took out his cell phone calling the girls plus Leo.

"Hey, Drew everything's okay?" Jacky asked him in a concerned voice since this week has been nothing but phone conversations about Karen's behavior and her mental health. And he just sighed over the phone running his hand over his face.

"Nahh. J.Drew just disappointed me." He said and they knew it had to involve, Karen or else he wouldn't have been calling him. "What happened?" Twinkie asked scrunching up her face hearing that their nephew might've done something wrong.

"The boy completely and utterly disrespected, Karen tonight." J.Drew said in his serious tone as he still couldn't get over the fact that J.Drew would even think to say anything like that to his mother.

"What he do?!" Dorinda asked already ready to put her nephew in check as her hands were on both of her hands since she had her phone on the speaker and so, Drew told them what happened as he son told it after turning to Karen too ask if that's what happened while he was upstairs and Dorinda started going off.

"THAT FOOL!" Doe hollered over the phone. "TELL MY NEPHEW WHEN I SEE HIM HE BETTA NOT TRY TO RUN WHY WOULD HE SAY THAT?!" Doe yelled through the phone as she was now mad at J.Drew. "He almost lost his mother last year!" Dorinda hollered through the phone. "He knows how sensitive, Karen is everybody knows that I'm a talk to that boy again." Dorinda angrily folding up her arms. "Is Karen okay, Drew?" Twinkie asked him worried about her.

"No. I don't think so, she went upstairs after the whole thing happened. I think she might've even cried herself to sleep." Drew said rubbing his head. "Lawd have mercy, why won't J.Drew think before he talks?" Twinkie rhetorically asked him. "And it's all over his dang baby mama." Jacky said scrunching up her face annoyed with their nephew right now. "It's okay though because I'm sure, J.Drew has now finally learned his lesson." Drew said. "I made sure of it. I bout' beat the black off of him and I had beat him until I got tired't!" Drew said putting more emphasizes on tired because that's how mad he was because his grown son really made him beat him by disrespecting his mother and talks weren't gonna cut it this time. Drew had enuff talkin'.

"Well that's good for him maybe he'll learn not to do that no more." Jacky said annoyed at her nephew for Karen.

Then, they started talking about their upcoming activities for this week which was another performance that they had to do and so, he basically went over that with them since he was Karen's manager.

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