Snitches get stitches

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Notes: Karen is back in therapy after her attempts with a new session and Dorinda exposes Karen which causes Quintella to come back out.

TRIGGER WARNING: Violence. Mentions on of Self-harm and Attempted murder is in this chapter so please be better.

"Karen." Dr.Womack said as she observed, karen for the whole entire session. And, karen just tilted her head while biting on her nail as she raised her eyes at her as if she was asking her "What?" With her eyes.

"How have everything been with you in the past few days?" Dr.Womack had asked her and Karen had just continued to stare at her until she remembered that Dorinda had found the cuts in her wrists and decided to lie because her family was there as well but she couldn't tell, Dr.Womack how she really felt with them there.

Honestly, Karen didn't even wanna tell, Dr.Womack after what happened at the asylum that was way too embarrassing for her and that hurt the trust that she had built up for Dr.Womack. And even though that it wasn't Dr.Womack's fault that people found out that she was in the mental institution it was like what Dorinda did had stunted the progress that Karen was making as a whole.

So, now the only people who trusted, Dr.Womack was Alice and Drew. Quintella and Karen was kind of one accord when it came to Dr.Womack now and that was all thanks to Dorinda.

"I'm fine." Karen lied smiling at her. But Dr.Womack knew right off the back that Karen was lying straight to her face because Karen have never been this happy going into therapy before and secondly, her body language didn't match up with her words even though she tried to make it match up. It was sad if she had to force herself to smile at her therapist when everyone else was in there when usually, Karen would've been either mad, afraid, upset, or pissed off at something or someone.

"Are you sure?" Dr.Womack asked her as she squinted her eyes at Karen but Karen kept up with her lie gritting her teeth with a tight lipped smile.

"And nothing have been bothering you for the past few days or months?" Dr.Womack had asked her and Karen shook her head no.

"So, not even when that moment happened at the institution?" Dr.Womack asked her as she picked her words carefully and then she saw Karen trying not to break a sweat. But Karen still kept it together shaking her head no.

"All is forgiven." Karen said actually being truthful about that since she was a very forgiving person. However she was still a little hurt by that and she felt Quintella wanting to come out every time she was near, Dorinda and she had to personally remove herself away from her sister so, Quin wouldn't take over her and try to fight, Dorinda or worse kill her because there was just so much unaddressed rage within Quintella that she was holding onto and that Quin had never once opened up about because she didn't trust anybody for that matter. Which was why Quintella was so hard to work with you had to basically either meet Quintella where she was at or it was gonna be her way or the high way.

But Dr.Womack didn't continue to press Karen on those matters because she knew that Karen was going to continue lying until her face turned blue because she would rather not talk about how it hurt her in a healthier manner than what she probably did at home.

So, Dr.Womack let it go for now until she felt the need to circle back on that conversation which she knew was gonna be soon just by how Karen's body language was the whole entire time.

And with being Karen's psychiatrist over this amount of time she picked up on a few things that Karen would do whenever she wasn't in a good mood or was headed towards destruction or self-harm and she saw the red flags just blaring at her and she wondered if anybody else in Karen's family saw them or knew what they were. But she highly doubted that they did seeing that Karen was good at hiding things from them.

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