Changing Faces

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Notes: Dorinda's house has a search warrant right months before her hearing with her and Drew and Karen gets her reconstructive surgery done.

It was two months later and it was almost time for the court case to come too see who'll Aidden will be going home with after spending all this time with his auntie Dorinda. Of course, even though Karen couldn't see her son, Drew saw him for her. At first, Drew didn't feel right about learning what Dorinda had done through the criminals that were arrested because he felt as if that wasn't fair for him to see Aidden knowing that his wife had went through so much hell because of her own sister.

But Karen insisted that he go and make sure that their son was alright.

But before, Drew left to go Karen would always tell him to remember too check him whenever he would change him. Because if Dorinda would do all of this to her than she was thinking that Dorinda would abuse Aidden and would try too hide it after she was too blind to see that Dorinda caused her such great harm to her. So, she was making sure that nobody was hurting her child who hated her.

But whenever, Drew would go over there and check him Aidden would be alright. He checked for any type of bruises and in the places were adults would try to hide them on little kids and even on babies if they didn't want to get caught and at first, Drew would check his son only in secret.

But when, Dorinda would talk smack about Karen after meeting Drew to come spend unlimited time with his son he started checking for bruises on Aidden right in front of Dorinda while the social worker was there at her house just to be petty because he was getting tired of Dorinda and Dorinda needed to know that certain privileges was being taken away from her and since she would never listen to them he would show her.

"Drew what are you doing?" Dorinda asked him feeling offended that he would lay Aidden on the couch after playing with him and patting his stomach so, he could calm down to undress him. Because after he played with him Aidden wanted it continue and he would get fussy if he knew that he was being changed.

"I'm checking my son what does it look like I'm doing?" Drew rudely asked her in a very obvious sarcastic tone.

"What?!" Dorinda said as shocked as ever. "Checking him for what?!" She hollered wanting to know why but she already had an idea as to what and she knew Karen had to put him up to this.

"Did Karen tell you to check him for any bruises?!" Dorinda asked him but Drew simply ignored at her first. "Mind your business, Dorinda." He warned her. But Dorinda scuffed folding her arms as she watched her brother-in-law undress his son and checked him everywhere while putting a toy in his hand to keep him from trying to roll over and to distract him.

"I would NEVER harm a baby let alone my own flesh and blood. My own NEPHEW?!" Dorinda screeched and that caught the social workers attention as she was on the cell phone answering an important phone call.

"What's going on?" The social worker asked them as she had came back into the living room after taking a step outside.

"I'm just checking my son. She seems to have a problem with me checking my ownnn son." Drew said getting annoyed by Dorinda.

"His wife thinks that I put my hands on him. I would never." Dorinda said feeling highly offended.

"But you set up his mama tho." Drew said underneath his breath and Dorinda looked at him with her eyes all bugged out. "IS THAT WHAT SHE TOLD YOU IS THAT WHAT SHE THINKS?!" Dorinda screamed at him making Aidden cry.

"That's the last got damn time you make my son cry!" Drew said as he picked up his son after putting back on his baby t-shirt and patting him while holding him to calm him down. Because he was annoyed with her when she made Aidden cry those 3 other times at his own house and then she had the nerve to take him before she had put the restraining order on Karen.

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