Talk To Me

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Karen confronts Drew as she tries to hold, Quintella back from coming out.

Sidenote: Look at our baby she look fineee with her fine self in this pic yassss lawd!!🥹♥️

After Karen's therapy session was over the family had gone to their respective homes leaving Drew with Karen knowing that they had needed to talk about a lot of things and about what her alters had told them especially, Quintella. Because even though Quintella was hollering at everybody and most likely out of anger about what happened to Karen, Drew was listening and taking everything in knowing that if Karen ain't say it then somebody else was gonna say it for her. So, here they were driving back home in the car with silence in between them and although their was nothing but silence, Drew still placed a soft and comforting hand on Karen's hand that was resting on the car seat.

Drew knew that his wife was exhausted from that therapy session because of the breakdown she had in front of everyone but he also he knew that there was no getting out of the conversation that needed to be had.

When they finally arrived home, Drew was being a complete gentleman walking to his wife's side of the car and opening up the door for her helping her out since she still had some pain in her legs from the attack with how the bullet had affected her walking even though it shot through her back. So, she wobbled a bit walking sometimes but she constantly had to rub her leg to soothe the pain and other times, Drew would do that for her and mostly in a non-sexual suggestive manner which Karen appreciated earlier but now she was ready for her man but she ain't know how to tell him that seeing that they had different ways of grieving and neither of them thought it would be right to do the do while they were getting over their son's death they just thought that would be wrong.

But she also wasn't ready to open up too her husband about that night and how he found her.

She didn't even want to open up about that night in therapy but Quintella forced it out of her making her open up but she only did that to taunt and too mock her and Karen regretted it feeling that her family would think differently of her since she couldn't even protect her newborn child let alone herself. But before her therapy session had ended they had all re-assured her that they didn't think any less of her and there was no need to blame herself for her son's death because she was in a traumatic situation and there was really no getting out of it.

So, no one was to blame except for the gang members who broke into their home and committed those atrocious and gruesome crimes.

Now the couple was in their bedroom getting ready for bed and Karen slick decided to wear something sexy something that was one of Drew's favorite lingerie pieces to wear. She was planning it all out in her head how the night was gonna go completely ignoring what Dr.Womack had told her that her and her husband needed to have that conversation by themselves with no one watching because they needed to restore that part in them.

But no, Karen wasn't ready for that yet she didn't think she could handle that and especially with talking about it alone with her husband and no other support. Karen wouldn't be able to bear it if she were to find out that Drew hated her for not protecting their son and she really thought he could've cared less about her. It's just all the doubt from the robbers/gang members taunting her and Quintella taunting and mocking her would always come back into play and those memories of the robbery and what Quintella would say to Karen would make things much worser than what it actually was when it came to Drew being understanding.

It was almost as if Karen had lost faith that her husband had loved and still trusted her. And she wasn't sure that after the loss of their child if Drew would even attempt to have more kids with her and she came up with her own answer figuring that he wouldn't since they haven't had sex since then and it just weighed on her, everything weighed on her.

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