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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Drew talks to the siblings about Karen not being pregnant as they are relieved from their worries...Or so, they think they are with Karen eavesdropping.

After, Drew had left out of the room he had went downstairs to have all of the siblings on the phone at the same time to tell them of the news since, Karen obviously wasn't in the mood to do it. But none of them knew of the real truth only she did.

So here, Drew was delivering the message to Karen's siblings with Dorinda picking up the phone dying to know the news as she kept annoying Jacky.

"Thank God you called, Chatty Kathy wouldn't stop talking about today's appointment like she was there or something. She just needed to know what was going on with her baby sister to make her stop. So, how did it go with Karen?" Jacky asked answering the phone with all of them at her house with Drew being on the speaker phone. "Well the good news is that she's not pregnant." Drew said as he let out a sigh of relief that he had been holding in to not seem too happy about Karen not being pregnant because he knew if she was then their next step was gonna destroy her of what they were going to have too do.

"Thank you, Jesus." Jacky said as well as their siblings chimed in praising God not knowing the truth.

"But is Karen okay?" Dorinda asked snatching the phone away from Jacky making her lightly yell at her popping on the hand.

"Not really but you know she'll get through this I mean thankfully she isn't pregnant so, we don't have to worry about too much so, that takes a load off of us and plus we can focus more on working on her mental health." Drew said.

But as he was talking to his in-laws Karen had crept down the stairs after she had woken up from her nap that she had took after she had finished talking to Drew and she had over heard their conversation eavesdropping not wanting them to know that she was awake wanting to see what they really thought about this whole situation.

And if it was a good conversation then she would tell them but if not she would continue keeping her pregnancy a secret from everyone until the time was right to tell them. She would prove it to them that she can have another baby again without it doing any damage to her.

"To be honest with y'all I wouldn't know what I was gonna do if Karen was pregnant again." Drew said shaking his head. "Well you don't have to worry about that now do you?" Dorinda rhetorically asked him. "Because if she was pregnant again then that means I would've had to fight the both of y'all especially you Drew for knocking my sister up in the first place knowing that she wasn't supposed to get pregnant again." Dorinda told him and Drew scratched his head.

"Ignore her, Drew she don't mean no harm." Twinkie said chiming into the conversation. "Yes I do!" Doe playfully but seriously said. But they ignored her. "We just wanna make sure that Karen is okay by any means necessary because we know she wanted another baby it's just that she can't handle that right now no matter how much she think she can." Twinkie told him. "Do you need us to come with y'all to the next couple of therapy sessions for moral support?" Twinkie asked him and Drew thought about it for a moment.

"I don't know yet we'll see how the first one goes after we tell, Dr.Womack or whenever she sees the results. But she should already have them given that she is Karen's psychiatrist." Drew said.

But what he doesn't know is that Karen have done paperwork to keep Dr.Womack from seeing the test results that she was pregnant not only that the paperwork included everything else in which was important to Karen's physical health as well as her mental health.

The Chronicles of Quintella and AliceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora