What happened?

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Karen goes back to her therapy session with Dr.Womack the next week to find out that somethings have changed.

It was the next week and Karen was now back in her therapy sessions with Drew and Dr.Womack. They were just doing some regular mental health exercises with Karen so, she can have her mindset in a positive thinking space. They also worked on learning how to control her alters and so when, Dr.Womack had brought up her alters Karen tried her best not to get nervous because one she didn't want anything happening to the baby and two she didn't want her alters coming out and accidentally telling the secret that she was pregnant. But it wasn't even Karen who came up with that plan to keep her whole entire pregnancy a secret. It was Quintella's.


But they did all agree to keep it a secret however what Quin did the last time when she spoke to her scared her. It made her worry for her safety, her baby's safety and for the people around her. But she was to afraid too tell anyone because she didn't want to have to get an abortion. And the conversation that she overhead last week didn't make matters any better. Karen did think to herself that if the conversation was a good one then she would probably tell them sooner than what she was planning to do. But no it wasn't. The conversation made her nervous and it made her want to do everything on her own. What wasn't helping was Quintella who kept whispering in her ear telling her nothing but lies saying they don't want her to be pregnant.' Quin said to her.

"They don't even want you to be happy anymore they're sending you back to therapy like you're psychotic or something." Quin said just telling lies in her ears. "Even, Dorinda doesn't want you to be pregnant and she was the one who claimed to have loved, Andrew the most as if he was her own son. But look at her she doesn't even want Drew to fuck you and that's your dick not hers!" Quin said folding up her arms as she looked at Karen. "They're all against you even Twinkie!" Quin said nodding her head. "They don't care about your safety or protection that's just a lie so you won't have another Andrew. But we can prove them wrong. Can't we?" Quin said to her and Karen just looked at her wanting to answer but also remembering that she was eavesdropping.

So, instead of answering she just nodded her head wiping a fallen tear from her eyes because no one wanted her to be pregnant not even her own husband believing Quintella to be right.

End of flashback.

She knew that Quin wouldn't dare try to hurt the baby but she would do some questionable things that would make Karen think that she would. Mind games was Quintella's way of fucking with people and that's exactly what she would do to Karen when Karen first discovered she had alters. She didn't know what was going on and she was scared out of her mind on a daily basis after the robbery and murder. But who could blame her? You would be scared too after something horrific had happened to you.

Karen knew she could only control her alters so, much and that's why she was attending therapy with even more seriousness now than what she had before. It wasn't like before when she was just going to therapy because she was forced to go after having a whole entire meltdown during the robbery which birthed her alters. But she was also going to try too get her her daily life back on track considering the fact that she was to afraid too do anything and had a rough time going to sleep. Often times they would find her sleepwalking downstairs after trying to get her to go too bed and that's why Drew had started locking there bedroom doors more frequently especially at night so, Karen wouldn't sleepwalk out into the house at night or even worse into the streets which were dangerous at night.

So, here she was listening to everything about what Dr.Womack was telling her about alters and she could hear Quintella and Alice being bored and just wanting to cause trouble and when she did listen to them her fingernails would start scratching the seat as if she was a cat trying not to bring attention the fact that her alters had been more active lately since she was pregnant. So, she tried to act as normally as she possibly could in her therapy session.

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