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Notes: Karen's and Drew's house catches on fire with Karen still being trapped and her world is changed forever.

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of sexual assault, bodies being on fire, fighting, smothering.

Over the last few months since Karen's last visit home she had been doing better. So much so that Dr.Womack had allowed her to go back home seeing that she had become more aware of her alters. And she had learned how to better manage them unlike the last time and her medication was properly working this time so, Karen was on her way to making a full recovery from the robbery.

The only thing that Dr.Womack had her working on now was trying to get Karen to become one with herself again which meant that Karen was slowly starting to realize what had happened to her and accept that it had happened because her brain had given birth to Alice and Quintella to handle the trauma because she could not handle it.

But now her body was changing after all the exercises and it slowly getting to that point and she was becoming one with herself again.

Therapy session:

"Okay. Karen what I want for you is to tell me about that night." Dr.Womack told her and immediately it was almost as if Karen went straight to sucking her thumb but she stopped letting her nails scratch the chair's arm rests.

"Umm." Karen started to say and every since she became aware it was like she was more sensitive than the last time but that was okay. That was because she was acknowledging her feelings.

But then she started crying again and Dr.Womack just handed her some tissues.

"It's okay take your time." She told a crying Karen as she tried to wipe her tears. But then it was as if Karen had a whole breakdown in Dr.Womack's office before she finally continued on with what she tried to say.

"They-Alice-no-I." Karen struggled to get out and the pain of that night was coming back to her and now it was like her body was remembering it since she had passed it off to Alice who was born out of pain and violence.

"They-they raped me." Karen cried and struggled to get out and she continued to break down right there in Dr.Womack's chair and Dr.Womack finally got up from her seat coming over to the chair next to Karen and pulled her into a much needed bear hug.

"Why would they do that to me?" Karen cried and Dr.Womack just hugged her comforting her. "It's okay it's okay just let it out." She whispered.

"They made me watch-watch him kill my son and I can still feel them on me holding me down." Karen cried again. "I can't." Karen wept trying to frantically wipe her pouring tears from her eyes.

"I couldn't do anything to save him." Karen cried. "It wasn't my fault that he died. They wouldn't let me go and I begged them." Karen sobbed as she finally stopped blaming herself for her son's death because she really couldn't do anything to save him. She was in just as much trouble as Andrew was in. "They wouldn't listen go to him they just laughed at me." Karen cried remembering that night as it was such a painful memory that she could barely talk without crying in between every other word.

"He was so small." Karen cried. "There was so much blood." She sobbed again putting her head down in between her lap as she continued sobbing and Dr.Womack just rubbed her back.

"Then they tried to kill me." Karen cried wiping her tears again. "I'm not supposed to be here but I am." Karen silently cried. "One of them stabbed me in my stomach and the other one shot me in my back more than once the bullet was supposed to have killed me. I don't know why God saved me and not my baby." Karen cried still being confused.

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