A disastrous dinner

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Notes: The family tries to re-do Karen's baby shower with her mental health slowly declining.

Sidenote: This chapter is a little bit emotional so, be prepared!!!!! And I also, loveee this picture of them that Kierra posted and it fits w/the chapter too. So, this is basically how they both look for dinner tonight!

After that was taken care of and Karen was now back at home. Drew had a more watchful eye over his wife since he had felt their baby moving inside of her for the first time since he had found out that she was pregnant. He didn't even really feel him moving during the day of their baby shower because his mind was too preoccupied with the fact that Karen had been lying to him for this whole entire time and he was trying to figure out how they were going go into phrase 2 of their plan now.

But after feeling their son move he kept wondering on if he should let Karen keep it for a while just to see how she'll react towards him and if she'll become possessive over him. But the possessiveness had to be on a healthy level and not on an unhealthy level. Because if it was unhealthy then they knew that she wasn't ready to keep him no matter how much she had tried to keep it together and to act like she was stable. They didn't need another death happening.

It was the middle of the week and the family had been setting up for the baby shower letting their friends and family know that they were going to have another celebration for the baby since the last one was cut off short. They didn't really give their distant family members a reason why unless they were close to them but so, far the majority of them only thought that it was because they were busy that day and that's why it ended so, fast when they came home.

And as well as the fact that Karen was always submissive to Drew so, if she had to stop something she was gonna stop it as they thought. But they did not know that Karen would NOT stop her pregnancy for Drew. She wasn't gonna stop it for NOBODY unless God himself told her to her face that she shouldn't have this child.

She was keeping her son, "Andrewww." As she called him rubbing her stomach and smiling at it. "I can't wait until I see you again." She said to herself just looking at herself in the mirror and rubbing her baby bump. " I missed you so much." Karen said talking to him as if that was really Andrew. "They told me I was crazy for wanting to have another you but I wasn't." Karen said.

"This was meant to be I know it was and we're always gonna be together." Karen said in her raspy voice. "No one is gonna take you away from me ever again now that I have you back." Karen said smiling at her pregnant belly.

But right outside the door was Drew who was listening in on their wife speaking to their new unborn son and he just shook his head knowing that their was no way that this was going to possibly end well. So, in order to stop her conversation from going further and with her trying to replace, Andrew even though she doesn't realize it, Drew walked into the room startling her.

"Drew." Karen said sounding shocked in her raspy voice.

"You scared me." She said putting her hand over her chest.

"What are you doing in here?" She asked him.

"Well I was just getting ready for tonight's baby shower." He told her.

"Now what were you doing?" Drew asked her as if he didn't already know. But he couldn't tell her that because she might try to act as if their was nothing wrong with what she said and Drew didn't want to cause another argument right before the re-do of their baby shower which was gonna be a family dinner only with no news reporters and no friends. This was private.

"I was just talking to our baby boy." Karen said smiling at her belly again because she was so glad they made another boy.

"Just telling him that I couldn't wait to see him and to hold him and I'm a loveee this baby like never before." Karen said while slightly rocking happily as she turned around to face Drew with her now showing baby bump.

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