Family Matters P2

195 13 26

Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters!

Notes: The family goes on a search for Karen.

Sidenote: I'm using this picture of Jacky right here because this chapter is mostly going to be her talking for everyone especially when she talks with Drew.

TW: This chapter is still a little bit chaotic.

"Ki what's going on?!" Dorinda said as she got out of Jacky's car with the sisters walking up to their niece that was in tears. " Mama went crazy and tried to kill daddy!" Ki said taking in a big ole' huff to try too calm down since she was still crying and she had let them know that J.Drew and Drew went to go look for them. "So, what he wants us to do stay here until she comes back?!" Dorinda asked her arching an eyebrow. "Hell, I'm a go out and look for my sister." Dorinda said getting back into Jacky's car. "And who the hell do you think you are trying to drive my car?!" Jacky yelled at her in her big sister voice. "Get out the front seat I'll drive. Karen will listen to me more than she'll listen to y'all!" Jacky told them. "Ki just stay home and wait until they come back." Jacky told her and Ki just nodded her head. "They can't get Karen on her own when she's like this she won't go willingly, Leo, Denise, Twinkie come on let's go find her!" Jacky said and they all paired off getting into the cars with Ki watching them pull off.

It was about 15 minutes later and Alice was somewhere in Detroit past midnight holding herself close as if she was afraid just walking around aimlessly since she was still hurt from the minor car accident she caused at home by crashing the car. She knew she had to go too the hospital but she didn't care. She didn't want to go too no damn hospital because she knew that Karen would come back out and she knew that Karen wasn't ready to come out since she was highly emotional right now as she could hear her crying. She knew that Karen was afraid of going back to therapy and finding out that she really haven't accepted everything that happened to her so, she was going to protect her. But if anybody tried her who she didn't know she would just have to find a way to bring Quintella out because no one knew how to get them too come out without hurting one another and well, Karen they only come out if someone hurt her and the pressure for Karen was to much too bare. So, that's what they did to themselves they would literally have to hurt Karen just so, one of them could come out without her permission. Plus, they didn't like listening to her no way thinking that she could do better with protecting herself. So, they were trying to show her how.

One hour later:

"Where the hell is this girl at?!" Denise said as she was driving Twinkie around in her car to look for her baby sister and then it started to rain down hard. "Ohh nooo, this is just great!" Denise sacastically says. "We gotta find her before, Drew loses his mind over his wife getting sick out in this rain." Denise said turning her windshield wipers on. "Sis it'll be right we'll find her even though where at tho I mean I know we done looked everywhere for her and in all of her favorite spots too. She couldn't have gone that far." Twinkie said concerned about their baby sister being out here at night all by herself knowing how sensitive, Karen could be and Karen was the most sensitive out of all of them and on top of that the rain was coming down hard. Twinkie thought back to how rough, Karen have had it over the last couple of years and she had just hoped that Karen wasn't out there doing what she thought she was doing. So, Twinkie did what she knew best and prayed for Karen's safety and return home even though she knew, Karen would be soaking wet by the time they found her.

While, Denise and Twinkie were riding together they finally saw Karen or who they thought was Karen walking in a beat down neighborhood. "Karen!" Denise yelled at her rolling down her window letting the rain in and not caring because they needed their baby sister to be safe and Alice looked back at Denise and rolled her eyes and kept on stepping in huge puddles of water walking away from them not knowing that it was Alice so, she wasn't going to respond to them.

The Chronicles of Quintella and AliceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant