Falling Stars

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: A continuation from the last chapter.

"Shittt!" Quin said sucking her teeth at a knocked out Twinkie as she put the glass vase back on the mini table behind her. "Look at what you made me do?" Quin said. "Karen begged your ass not to tell but did you listen to her nope?!" Quin said as she hand both hands on her hips and looked at the time. "Damn it." She said to herself. "Drew is probably gonna be back home in a minute and I need to take care of you!" Quin said as she started to drag Twinkie near the front door. "Damn she's heavy." Quin said just a pulling her until, Twinkie started waking up again and Quin stopped dragging her on the floor towards the front door immediately dropping her arms.

Hearing whimpers from Twinkie's lips, Quin just stood there like nothing happened.

"What?" Twinkie asked looking around as she was laying down confused on Karen's floor as to what happened. And then, Twinkie looked up to see Karen looking worried or so, who she thought was Karen looking worried.

"Karen. What-What happened?" Twinkie asked her getting up slowly and Quin rushed getting next to her acting as if she was trying to help her up before she fell but really she was about to drag Twinkie all the way out to her car and sit her in there until she woke up hoping that she would forget about the whole conversation.

"I-I don't don't know, Twinkie." Quin said in Karen's worried voice trying to sound like her.

"One minute we were having a conversation and then the next you...you just fell. I think you might've gotten light-headed are you okay?" Quin asked her disusing herself as Karen.

And so, Twinkie just sat up looking straight into Karen's eyes noticing that something different in them and realized that Karen don't look people directly in the eyes anymore. Then, it hit her this wasn't Karen this was one of her alters. But Twinkie had to keep it calm and acted as if she knew it was still, Karen herself knowing that something bad have to have happened to her and that's why she had woken up on the floor. She don't know what happened but all she knew was that someone Karen's alters came out after, Karen probably lost control of them. But she didn't know why just yet but she was going to find out on her own but in a more careful manner this time.

"Okay." Twinkie said not believing her but she mustered up the best authentic voice that she could find and gave it to her trying to get out of Karen's and Drew's house alive not knowing what one of her alters were capable of although she had seen them in action a few times she just didn't want to find out what else they could do whenever Karen had lost control of her alters.

"Twinkie is there anything I can do?" Quin asked her pretending to be Karen. "Let me go get you a glass of water and we can talk about what happened." Quin said as she rushed up to go get her some water but Twinkie quickly got up after sitting on the floor for a little while rushing towards the door trying to make her escape because she did not trust, Quintella and thought that she would try to put something in the water and give it to her too poison her as well.

But right when, Quin was done pouring the water into the glass cup, Twinkie already had her hand on the doorknob opening it up not even trying to sneak out of the house.

"Twinkie wait!" Quin said dropping the glass in the sink so, no glass would break.

And, Quin ran after, Twinkie who was running away from her.

"Karen I'm LATE FOR A MEETING!" Twinkie lied not wanting to stay there any longer than she had to and she started her car up seeing Quin catch up to her in the rear-view mirror in feet.

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