Is she ours?

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Notes: Karen and Drew goes to get the paternity test done for Andrea.

"Drew are you sure everything is gonna be okay?" Karen asked her husband after they had made it to the paternity clinic. "Karen asked her husband as she held a 2-month old, Andrea in her arms with her legs shaking and Drew placed a comforting hand over her shoulder to try to help calm his nervous wife down because she was so nervous as to what was going to happen.

They could've had the paternity test done as soon as Andrea was born. But Karen was frightful of her alters coming back to threaten her about the baby and so, she thought that if she could hold off the paternity than maybe they won't show back up and not only that she wanted to spend more time with Andrea fully believing that she was Drew's not wanting to mess up any feelings she had for the child because she really needed a break emotionally speaking.

She was tired of crying and worrying about Andrea not being Drew's so much so that she had to continue her therapy sessions with Dr.Womack so, she can get her emotions in check. But while doing that Alice had came back out.

Flashback to the therapy session:

"Hello, Alice." Dr.Womack said looking at a tearful, Alice wiping her tears away with her hand after the tissue in her other hand was all used up. "Now, what's this I hear about you having behavioral difficulties?" Dr.Womack asked her. "You would have them too if your sister set up to get raped and you thought she was your best friend this whole entire time. And now I don't know who my baby daddy is at this age and it's embarrassing and I'm scared." Alice cried just sobbing in front of Dr.Womack and Dr.Womack knew that Alice was in distress and that meant that Karen was suppressing some feelings that needed to be discussed before it overwhelmed her because they were already manifesting in Alice since she was sexually assaulted both times during the two attacks.

And so, even though everyone knew that Drew and Alice didn't have relations she knew she had to still console Alice as if she did while telling her that she didn't so, she won't revert back to her old self as to when they first met her which was dangerous for everyone.

"Alice sweetie I know it must be hard for you to go through something like this but you're not alone and you don't have to push people away by acting out there's other ways to express yourselves in a more healthier manner." Dr.Womack told her. "I-I know but it's hard." Alice sobbed. "That's just what I'm used to people being mean to me and I have to be mean back because they just can't be nice to me and I don't even do anything to them." Alice pouted as she started weeping while wiping her tears with the tissue that Dr.Womack gave her.

"I HATE HER!" Alice yelled out talking about Dorinda as she got up and knocked off some glass from Dr.Womack's desk that crashed. But then, Alice started to quietly sob again after she had realized what had just happened.

"I'm. I'm sorry. I tried to not do it." Alice said sucking her thumb again and pulling out strands of her hair lightly shaking as if she was about to have a nervous breakdown from the stress that she was under. "It's okay. It's okay I can just clean it up it's no big deal see." Dr.Womack said showing Alice that it was okay not wanting her to have an even bigger episode than what she just had.

Once, Dr.Womack cleaned up the glass that Alice had accidentally knocked over they both were able to sit down in there seat but now here Karen was pulling out her hair after Alice had went back in when, Dr.Womack had gotten Alice to calm down the best she could for now.

"Karen." Dr.Womack said gently grabbing Karen's hand that was about to go back up to her hair to pull it again until she stopped her. "It's okay. Everything is gonna be alright." Dr.Womack told her. "How can you say that?" Karen asked her using her other hand to try too pull out her hair but Dr.Womack had stopped her grabbing that hand as well and so she held, Karen's hands.

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