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Notes: Drew talks to Karen after she apparently has an attitude with everyone after her therapy sessions.

Sidenote: This is how my baby looks for today. 🥹♥️

After her therapy session was over, Karen went back home with Drew sitting in the car in silence as he drove. He could tell that she was still annoyed by how things went today just by the look on her face and how her body language was just in general, getting out of the car her siblings had met her at her house.

She looked at them walking right past them not saying anything as she opened up the house door closing it in there face. "Alright Ms.Attitude." Dorinda said after what Karen did to them.

Opening up the door, Drew walked in calling for his wife. "Karen!" Drew said and he saw that Karen was heading upstairs but she ignored him going to her room and slamming there room door. "Someone's mad." Denise said. "You gonna go talk too her?" Denise had asked, Drew with one hand on her hip and Drew sighed looking up the steps. "Yeah I'll be back just wait here." He told them so, they could talk about what would be next for her.

When he went upstairs he saw that his wife was already laying on her side in the bed holding the new stuffed bunny rabbit that Dr.Womack had gave her.

"Karen." Drew softly said after finding his wife in such a position.

"What's wrong? You know you didn't have to do all that?" Drew asked her and Karen ignored him again. "Kare?" He asked his wife walking up closer to her trying to look her in the eyes but Karen just turned over. "Karen don't be that way." He said trying to talk too her.

"Just leave me alone." She said not really wanting to talk too them.

"No we have to talk." Drew told her. "Talk about what?!" Karen questioned him turning back over after she reluctantly put down the bunny rabbit.

"You already told her everything and they saw and now they think I'm crazy." Karen whined placing her hand over her face trying not to cry. "Karen no one thinks you're crazy and I didn't tell her everything." He told her. "Yeah but I took out my own hair with them there I didn't even know that they were there." Karen said deeply inhaling and Drew felt bad for his wife.

"What else are you gonna tell them?" Karen smartly asked him. "How they tried to knock my teeth out?" Karen cried with tears in her eyes talking about the men who robbed and tried to kill her. Because that's the only reason why she was wearing braces now was because of them they had purposefully messed up her teeth wanting to leave her something permanent to remember them by but luckily, Karen was able to get it fixed by wearing braces although she hated it.

"Karen that's nothing for you to be ashamed about that wasn't your fault." Drew said. "It's easy for you to say because you didn't go through it and you're just telling her all our business, my business!" Karen lightly hollered at him talking about Dr.Womack. "Karen she has to know she's your psychiatrists for Heavens-sakes!" Drew said. "How else is she supposed to help you if she doesn't know what's going on at home, huh?!" Drew rhetorically asked her.

"Karen for you to get better you gotta want the help!" Drew firmly told her.

And then, Karen started getting upset and her face started scrunching up as she was trying not to tear up but instead she started whining.

"I'm trying!" She cried. "But it's hard!" Karen cried. "Karen I know that it's hard for you. But you can't just shut down whenever you want too!" Drew told her trying to understand his wife.

"You don't know how hard it is!" She wept. "Then, tell me let me in let me help you and quite shutting me out!" Drew begged her. "Andrew was my son too!" Drew told her and Karen turned her head trying not to sob at the mention of Andrew's name.

"I knowww you don't have to keep reminding me." Karen cried taking in a deep breath while gasping. "If you hate me that's all you have to say and I'll leave." Karen tearfully said.

"Karen I don't hate you and I never have hated you, I'm not letting you go anywhere." Drew said. "Where is this coming from?" He asked her worriedly as he crunched down in front of her moving a strand of her hair back and Karen just shivered crying even harder than before.

"I never told you what else that happened that night." Karen cried while wiping her tears and Drew looked at her concerned as he had Karen's undivided attention.

"Baby. What else happened did you remember anything else?" Drew asked her since Karen had lost a good bit of her memory that night after being stabbed to death and shot at a few times.

"The men." Karen cried. "One of them." She said letting out a shaky breath.

"They..." Karen started to say and Drew looked at her with his eyes wide waiting for his wife to continue and when she started telling him what happened his heart dropped.

"Come here." Drew said taking his wife in for a hug.

"It's okay." He cooed letting her cry in his arms.

"It's okay." He said again pulling her close. "They won't hurt you again." Drew said since he was gonna make sure of that.

"I'm glad you told me." Drew told her while Karen had stopped crying with a tear-stricken face.

"I'm never gonna let anybody touch you like that again." Drew told her.

"I just wish we would've known earlier." He said. "Maybe they would've fought to catch him quicker." Drew said talking about the one that got away. "What if he remembers his promise?" Karen cried to him. "He said, he'll come back and finish the job when I'm not so messed up just to mess me up again." Karen sobbed wiping her tears away as she was terrified of that man who was still out there.

"It's gonna be okay we just have to tell the police this so they can know." Drew said and Karen started sobbing even more. "I'm tired of talking to them." She cried tried of having to go through the police every single time she remembered something from that night which was why Dr.Womack was the one to send everything over for when that did happen but since she signed those forms, Dr.Womack could no longer do that on her behalf and so, now Karen had to go in and tell the detectives what she had remembered.

"I'll tell them for you." Drew said looking at his wife who was tired of everything at this point.

"I'll go in with them if they'll allow me too." Drew said and Karen just nodded her head okay.

"Come on let's go back downstairs." Drew said as he slowly got Karen out of bed after she was crying and she just held onto his hand when they came back down the steps the siblings was still there waiting for them.

"Karen?" Dorinda asked her sister. "What happened?" She asked, Drew looking at him for answers.

"Karen just remembered something." He told them. "That's why she was acting the way she was." Drew said as Karen looked the other way trying not to make eye contact with them as she kept holding onto Drew's hand.

"What happened?" Jacky asked in a concerned sisterly voice.

And, Drew looked back at his wife who still wasn't looking at them and then he started to tell them and the sisters were in shock and mad while Leo was just mad.

"They-they threatened to finish her...after they..." Dorinda said not being able to get the word out.

And, Drew just nodded his head yes. "Karen I'm so sorry." Dorinda said even though she had nothing to really apologize for. "We'll protect you." Doe said while the rest of her siblings agreed.

But Karen just stood there not being able to look them in the face and so, Dorinda just went up and hugged her baby sister praying over her while her siblings covered her.


What did y'all think about this chapter?

How did y'all feel about acting that way towards her siblings?

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