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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Karen and Drew get into it a few weeks before their late-son's first birthday as Alice makes an appearance again and the siblings start to plan the surprise for Drew and Karen.

It was the last few weeks and things have been really shaky for the couple they had been having a hard time coping with the fact that their sons first birthday was coming up and he wouldn't be here to celebrate it. They had looked back on what the doctors told him about his health since he was a pre-me and they thought he wouldn't live to see it outside of the hospital itself and that almost broke both, Karen's and Drew's heart the first time but Drew's parents had stepped in and kept their spirits up praying for the couple and their newest grandbaby.


And before they knew it, Andrew was allowed to go home and he didn't have to spend another day in the hospital after being in there for almost a whole month.

So, when he finally came home everyone was excited and they did have a very small welcome home party for them where it was only close family and very close friends of the family invited. But they still didn't hover over the baby too much because Karen was very protective of her son and she didn't want anything happening with him then either so, he was in her arms at all times. Even when, Drew told, Karen to put him down so, she could rest.

"Karen put our son down you need to rest and he's fine." Drew said coming over towards Karen to get their son but Karen lightly pulled back from him even shooing his own hand away and he chuckled at her kissing his wife on the cheek and placing a comforting hand on his son's neck having his hand on top of Karen's.

"Nahh, he's fine." Karen said gently shifting her son in her arms and Drew saw how overprotective, Karen was with him.

"I don't want him to wake up and be in an unfamiliar place again." Karen told him and Drew understood letting Karen hold their son not even saying anything about spoiling the baby because it seemed like both, Andrew and Karen had separation anxiety from being away with each other and so, whenever Karen wasn't near he would cry as if he was in pain but he just wanted his mama. He did get used to Drew but the attachment was more with Karen and everybody was so sure that Andrew was going to be a mama's boy when he grew up.

End of flashback.

But now here they were in their bedroom thinking about their son after they just had another argument and Karen was surprised that her alters didn't even come out earlier after the argument that she had even though she was feeling Quintella wanting to come out as she was pacing around inside of her just waiting for Drew to say something that he shouldn't say. But Karen knew that Drew would never step out of line like that it was just hard for them to handle and it to cope with.

"So, you do blame me?!" Karen heavily cried wailing her hands to her side. "Karen I never said that I said, I just wished that he was here how do you get that from me blaming you?!" Drew questioned her. "Then, let's just make another baby!" Karen cried again. " I promise I won't let anything bad happen to him!" Karen said and Drew noticed how in all of their conversations about having another baby her mind was just stuck on having another boy as if a girl couldn't just happen for them and he knew why. But Drew just walked up to his wife shaking her because he knew he had too because she just wasn't making any sense for these last few months.

"KAREN WE ARE NOT HAVING ANOTHER BABY!" Drew hollered at her having to gently shake her.

"LISTEN TO ME!" Drew lightly hollered at her trying to let his wife know how bad of an idea that is for the both of them. "NO. WE. ARE. NOT. HAVING. ANOTHER. ONE!" Drew hollered at her pausing in between each word. "It's NOT HAPPENING ANYTIME SOON YOU NEED HELP, I NEED HELP, WE ALL NEED HELP!" Drew said raising his voice and Karen felt Alice creeping out of her as she was now standing at the wall right beside Karen.

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