The Truth Revealed

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Notes: Karen finally comes clean with the truth in a way that upsets her family.
Side note: And I wanna give a shout out to KasiAka17
for giving me the idea of having a baby shower!
Enjoy the story!

Some months have passed by and Karen was now 7 months pregnant and it had been getting harder every single day to keep hiding this pregnancy.

It was almost as if Dorinda was getting suspicious and Drew was either very good at being clueless or he just didn't want to admit the truth that Karen was pregnant and both of those reasonings bothered her to no end.

But she couldn't worry about that today because today was the day that Karen had gotten everyone out of the house sending them to the mall so, they could pick up a few things for her.

While everyone was out of the house Karen had called a few of her close family and friends that were long distance or some that was nearby to help her celebrate this day because she knew in the back of her mind that her immediate family would be mad along with her siblings. But she had just hoped that they wouldn't be that mad.

But for some reason she was still thinking that all of this was going to be a joyous occasion even after the rest of their extended family members and friends left. Needless to say she was worried and nervous about what her siblings and immediate family's real reaction was going to be because if it was one thing about the Clark and Sheard family it was that they saved faced when they had too and yelled at you in private.

And that Karen wasn't ready for she knew she was possibly getting herself into deep shit.

But when they were gone Karen had been setting up since yesterday cooking food and telling her other family members what to bring over not knowing what this gathering was going to be about because she didn't exactly tell them hence where the surprise came in.

While Karen was setting up the backyard she had the colors of what she was having on drapes that were on a decorated background.

And after that she got herself ready finally putting on some maternity clothes that she had bought and hid away from her family until the time she thought was right to tell them.

And today she was going to wear those maternity clothes instead of wearing extra large clothing that were uncomfortable for her.

Karen knew it was time to tell her family members because she physically could not take being pregnant anymore on her own. She had been doing a good job of hiding it to make sure that they wouldn't make her get an abortion. But now she knew that she needed extra help for these last few months of her pregnancy that was coming up.

She was having trouble getting up the steps and her kids had been noticing as well as Drew. She had been eating a lot more sneaking her cravings in when Drew would be sleeping. Trying to control her horomones which by the way did not work all the way and did lead to more fights with her siblings especially, Dorinda.

But after seeing Karen be dragged out in handcuffs Dorinda had been a little bit more compassionate and sensitive towards her baby sisters feelings knowing that she had mental health issues going on and she tried not to go so hard on her like before but it was difficult for her.

Dorinda literally had to bite her tongue every now and then especially when she found out that Karen had slept walk out of the house in the freezing cold and Drew nearly got cussed out by Doe for not taking better care of his wife, her her beloved baby sister.

And so, an argument between Drew and Dorinda did break out because of that and Greg and Glynn had to get in between the two because Dorinda was literally ready to fight him and too take Karen out of the house even though she was a grown woman married to the man.

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