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Notes: Karen is in the hospital after her suicide attempt.

After, Karen had jumped off the roof she was rushed to the ER to go check on her and the baby they had found that Karen had a few broken bones from the fall that was going to make this pregnancy difficult even though it wasn't that difficult in the physical sense. But it was already difficult when it came to her in mental terms.

While they were riding in the ambulance both, Drew and Dorinda was praying over Karen while holding her hand at the same time one on each side of the ambulance.

Needless to say they were scared for her life and for the baby's life because they knew if she had lost the baby again for a second time their would be hell to pay and they didn't know what they were gonna do with Karen if her mental state had declined even more if they had gotten bad news.

So, on the way there they were still praying believing that prayer works even if they were told no on a few things.

Once they finally arrived to the hospital Karen was being checked out and having different tests ran on her. She did in fact have a few broken bones as it was confirmed by her doctors and for the fact that some bruising on her stomach that was quite visible from the fall. In more serious cases, Karen was experiencing severe pain around her pelvis area which was basically going to mean she was going to be put on bed rest again after they treated her for that.

Then, they noticed that the activity of the baby had reduced greatly. So, of course the doctors had to go into a meeting to discuss what was going on with the baby and how they were going to help it survive inside of her room since it wasn't enough damage done to have a c-section yet. If anything Karen would have to remain in the hospital for a few days to see if she would need one.

Just because there was a mat that was on the ground that was wide enough for her to fall on it still didn't beat out how dangerous falling could be even if you have some type of protection.

Once, Karen woke back up with just being her after falling and having all three of her alters jump, Karen panicked and started crying about her baby after realizing that she was in the hospital feeling pain in her pelvis area and the fact that her baby was indeed not moving anymore prior to the fall.

"Is my baby okay?!" Karen cried and panicked feeling her still round stomach and Dorinda hated it whenever Karen cried or worried over her kids. Because she knew how she was with being watchful of them.

Then, the machines started going off and her blood pressure was going sky high which caused the nurses to run into try to regulate her blood pressure for her and they had to be extra gentle with her due to Dr.Womack giving them orders on what happened.

"Karen your baby is okay. He's doing fine just experienced some trauma but he's alright." One of the nurses said and it was as if Karen let out a sigh of relief. "The trauma that came from the fall reduced his activity but the doctors are working on how to treat him. Everything's going to be fine and what you're feeling right now in your pelvis area came from the trauma as well. We may or may not have to do surgery on you but we're looking into that now." The nurse explained to her.

"I didn't want him to get hurt." Karen cried looking away from her husband and sister. "I just wanted to take him with me." Karen wept turning her head away from them and they knew exactly what she meant and tried to comfort her the best way they knew how.

"Karen he's okay." Doe said while Drew tried to comfort his wife knowing that she needed that now.

But after remembering how they reacted she snatched herself away from them not wanting them to be around her for right now.

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