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Notes: Karen's mental health declines while Alice have continued to stay.

Sidenote: This is the picture that I'm using for this chapter for Alice.

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of killing and sexual assault.

It was the next day and Karen's family had came back to see her at the mental asylum. But before going in Dorinda was getting talked too by Drew and her siblings before going inside because they didn't want a repeat of yesterday. So, Dorinda we getting lectured on how to conduct herself while inside.

And when they met up with Dr.Womack she took them into her other office sitting them down.

"Well, Karen and her alters aren't doing so well mentally speaking." Dr.Womack said. "Physically she's kind of okay but not really because her mental state is affecting her physical health and with her being in the strait jacket it didn't really hurt her nor the baby. But she does have slight bruising since it was on for longer than the normal amount of time." Dr.Womack told them. "But with what happened yesterday she have declined in her mental health even more just so I can make that clear to y'all." Dr.Womack told them.

"I have reports and have monitored her in her room at night." Dr.Womack said telling them what happened pulling them out so, Drew and Jacky could see them.

"She have woken up crying throughout the night or just in her sleep and as well as sleep walking. But since she's in here she couldn't get far like she would be able too at home." Dr.Womack explained to them. "The furthest she got in her room was across from her bed of course and she stayed there for like a good while falling asleep while standing up and a nurse had to go in and put her back into bed and she slept walk a few times throughout the night." Dr.Womack said. But as of right now because of her mental state she was physically having severe migraines." Dr.Womack told them. "Which I have gave her medicine to take in liquid form." She said being safe about what type of medication she would give her.

"Other times she would just cry out her stress." Dr.Womack said meaning that Karen would literally sit at the edge of her bed and just cry. But as of right now she's in her room and you all could see her if you like too." She told them looking at them and they just nodded their heads yes wanting to see Karen.

So, they all got up and went to her room.

But when they got there they thought that Karen was back after Alice was there all day yesterday in the mental asylum not knowing that Alice was still there and it showed how hurt and stressed out that Karen was from yesterday.

"Karen." Drew said walking up to his wife who was laying on her side in the bed and it looked as if she having trouble sleeping. But that was just because of the stress she was experiencing from being pregnant while having a mental disorder.

But when she woke up it was really Alice as she woke up literally screaming and crying due to pain, hurt, and confusion. Since, Dorinda told her that she wasn't a real person and it was coming out as a form of severe migraines and cramps which scared the hell out of both Karen and Alice.

And on the inside of Karen's mind, Karen was trying to figure out her own self if she was really crazy or not internalizing everything that was said about her since she was now depressed and sobbing because Karen knew that Alice was born not only because of losing Andrew and witnessing his murder but also because of the pain that the men had put Karen through and her mind couldn't take it at that point when it was happening during that time which was the sexual assault. So, for Dorinda to say that Alice wasn't real when Alice was one of her protectors that caused a whole entire breakdown for Karen. And Alice was the one that experienced most of the assault instead of Karen because her family was thinking that Karen was there throughout the whole entire thing and the alters didn't develop until after she was in the hospital. But that wasn't the case they had developed during the attack.

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