The Truth Revealed P2

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Notes: The drama continues from the last chapter. This maybe in three or four parts.

TRIGGER WARNING: Implied mentions of self-harm and possibly suicide. This is a very touchy subject and chapter and this part doesn't come up until near the end.

After everyone had their initial reactions they still weren't happy and a lot more things had now needed to be discussed since they had to move into phrase 2 of their plan since Karen was pregnant. They had came up with this plan just in case, Karen had lied too them about not being pregnant and they had hoped that she wouldn't do such a thing but she did and now because of that phrase 2 was going to be the one that did her in.

"That's why my baby sister been acting like that because she's pregnant because of you and your ding a ling?!!" Dorinda had continued yelled at her brother-in-law and then she just snapped beatin the hell outta him. It was like everything went black for her and no one could stop her.

"Dorinda STOP!" Karen screamed trying to get in between her and Drew since Dorinda knocked him quick down on the ground and Greg literally had to pry his wife off of Drew. "GREG MOVEEEE!" Dorinda said elbowing her husband in the side trying to make him lose his grip but he didn't. He was too afraid for Drew's life right now so, he did the best he could with his wife.

"NOT UH, Baby LET THAT MAN GO!" Greg yelled at her. But Dorinda got even madder elbowing him backwards making him finally lose that death grip on her. But then Karen came into the mix jumping right in front of Drew right when Dorinda was about to hit him in his face again with her fists.


Dorinda yelled at her not wanting Karen to be in the way.

"NO ITS NOT HIS FAULT!" Karen screamed at her. "YOU CAN'T HURT HIM I LOVE HIM DORINDA YOU GOTTA REMEMBER THAT!" Karen yelled at her sister for her husband's life but in that moment Dorinda didn't seem to care because Karen was now going to have too be watched after and she wanted to do it. But the family said, no knowing that she was gonna have Karen on complete lock down not letting up.

"BUT IT IS BECAUSE HE GOT YOU KNOCKED UP WHEN YOU WERENT SUPPOSED TO BE KNOCKED UP AND HERE YOU ARE SUFFERING FOR MONTHS BECAUSE NO ONE KNEW!!!!" Dorinda hollered at her continuing on with her lecture. "I knew I SHOULD'VE just been nosy and looked around. BUT NOOO SOMEBODY DIDN'T WANT ME TO DO THAT!" Dorinda yelled at them looking over towards her siblings and Drew.

"God when is this over?!" Twinkie said annoyed with it all as she was sitting down watching this whole thing play out. But she still wasn't saying much to Karen because she still didn't know how to take the news.

Dorinda yelled at Karen. "I WASNT GONNA GET RID OF MY BABY FOR NONE OF YOUUU!" Karen yelled at them placing a protective hand over her stomach.

"Karen. That was going to be for your own good." Dorinda said while the rest of the siblings just looked on letting Dorinda do all the talking with Karen but Karen frantically shook her head no while Drew quietly tried to make his escape away from a mad as hell, Dorinda.

"Drew quit FUCKING MOVING IM NOT DONE WHOOPING YOUR ASS YET!" Dorinda yelled at him and he froze right there on the floor knowing that Dorinda was half crazy when it came to her baby sister.

"YOU THINK I DONT SEE YOU BUT I DO!"Dorinda yelled at him and then she calmly moved a strand of her hair to the side as she went back to talking to her pregnant baby sister.

"Karen that wasn't to hurt you that was to keep you safe and protected." Dorinda sweetly told her sister. "By making me kill my baby?!" Karen questioned them as if she was mad at them.

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