Who's at the door?

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Notes: Karen gives birth to a healthy baby boy only to have another mental health crisis.

After, Karen spent some time with her son while Drew had held him a bit he had stepped outside for a moment speaking with Dr.Womack and the team of people who were outside of Karen's hospital door.

"Are you sure you want her to keep him?" One of the social workers asked him and Drew was still unsure about that seeing how his wife was towards the child. "I mean I know Karen would never physically hurt our child." Drew said.

"But her alters would." The case manager said chiming in and Drew just shrugged unsure as he looked to Dr.Womack.

"Well I can tell you what we can do." The CPS worker said as she talked to the group.

"We can let the child stay with a relative that's preferably close by and Karen can have supervised visits while you don't have too." She told, Drew.

"The child will be receiving checks from the states since it's going into the system. Since they won't be living with the two of you. However it'll still be within the family so they won't be completely lost or unable to be found." She said.

"The child will have resources and help from us as well as their own team members which would be in contact with you shortly. You'll probably meet them right after you meet the supervisor who's going to be watching Karen while she's with him." The social worker said.

"Now we do have more paper work for you to fill out before we proceed. We just need your signature for who's he new guardian is going to be as well as the caregiver which you're still the main one of course and you do have free access to your son unlike Karen because we believe that she could be a danger to herself and to others including children considering that one of her alters is a child alter and have been doing the most damage since before she's started therapy." She told him and Drew just nodded his head as he was getting emotional about this.

He had just wished that his wife was mentally stable enough to keep their son. Because this was the son that she had been waiting for since Andrew died and now that he was finally here it was as if another child was getting taken away from her. He knew it was going to break her heart. He just didn't know how bad it was going to be.

And, Drew didn't come up with the decision on his own to not let them keep their newborn son. He had consulted, Dr.Womack asked Jacky, received second and third opinions from other doctors, psychiatrist and therapists and they all said the same thing. They all thought that Karen shouldn't be around her son while she was still in this state. It wasn't that they didn't trust her.

But they played no games when it came to mental health and they knew that if something were to happen to that baby and Karen was the cause of it due to her alters being unchecked they knew that one they would have blood on their hands and two Karen would probably really lose her mind for good and they didn't need that happening.

So, they were trying to prepare for the backlash that they would receive from Karen because time was winding down on them having to take the baby and place it into a relatives home of which they didn't know who it would be yet because Drew had yet to make that decision.

Once they had their meeting outside of what was going to happen, Dr.Womack had continued to talk too Drew to try too coach him on how he would probably have to comfort Karen.

Because the RN nurse had just gone into take the baby back to the nursery. But Karen didn't know that, that was going to be the last time she would freely get to see her son.

"Now this is only for Karen's own good." Dr.Womack said. "Once Karen gets healed from this disorder then y'all's son can come home." Dr.Womack told him. "But how you do know if Karen is really healed and not just faking it." Drew asked her knowing that his wife had a tendency to fake "feeling better"'with certain things that were serious cases.

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