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Notes: Karen finds out some more surprising facts about Dorinda since she's been locked up as Aidden surprises his family.

When the next day rolled around the corner, Karen was still knocked out after Drew put her to sleep while everyone was back home in the rest of the house and he was downstairs cooking breakfast for his family while he got Aidden's bottle that had Karen's breast milk in it.

He had got him up before he started fussing for his milk and fed him. So, Aidden was now content while he was holding his own bottle while watching his older siblings and cousins eat their breakfast as if he had wanted some.

"You can't have none of this yet." J.Drew said lifting up his fork of eggs and bacon in his hand eating it and Aidden looked like he was about to try to turn his whole plate over for doing that to him if he wasn't in his high chair.

So, instead he just used his little voice going back and forth with J.Drew cause J.Drew done got him started and Aidden fussed at him while calling his daddy in the process.

"Da da, da da!" Aidden hollered banging his small hand on his baby table in his high chair getting Drew's attention since his back was turned but he was hearing everything.

"I don't know why you callin' him we got the same daddy." J.Drew said just messing with his little brother this morning laughing at him.

"Mamamama!" Aidden started calling for Karen. "We got the same mama too but she ain't coming down cause she still sleep so, it's just you and me lil bro." J.Drew said playfully taunting him while Aidden tried to grab his hand since, J.Drew kept squishing his cute little face.

"Da daaaaa!" Aidden hollered out from the bottom of his small tiny toes to get J.Drew.

"Leave my baby alone, J.Drew or he gonna grow up and start fightin you. You know I used to fight now and your mama got a hard hit too and Aidden already be banging on everything." Drew said warning his son. "My cute little whittle baby brother not gonna do nuthin' to me." J.Drew said pinching Aidden's cheeks playfully making Aidden giggle in the process trying to distract him with the baby voice he was doing but Aidden still straight up and popped him like their mama would do him.

"Ouch dang. He got mama's hands tho." He said backing away from him and Aidden went back to feeding himself until his mama woke up.

And no more than five minutes later, Karen woke up thinking somebody called her in her sleep.
So, she went to go take a shower and got ready just putting on some comfortable house clothes to wear with her robe on.

"Did somebody call me?!" Karen asked coming down the stairs and entering into the kitchen seeing everyone already eating and Aidden with a half empty bottle. Greeting her husband and everyone else while Drew tried not to smack her ass since everyone was back. And then she went over to her baby.

And, Aidden nearly jumped out of his high chair. And if Aidden could talk he would most definitely have said, "it was me mama." But since he couldn't he just reached his arms out for her whining.

"What y'all do to my baby?!" Karen asked as she came and rescued Aidden out of his high chair and immediately he laid his head on Karen's chair calling to her. "Mama mamama mama." Aidden cooed.

"My baby was calling me?!" Karen gently said and Aidden just smiled like yeah it was him.
"What my little baby want?!" Karen said talking to him and smothering him with kisses and Drew just snitched on his son.

"Ma I was just joking." J.Drew playfully said while Karen came over with Aidden still in her arms as he playfully smacked him on the back of J.Drew's head. "Don't be messing with my baby." Karen said going back to kissing Aidden and Aidden smiled and giggled when J.Drew smacked in the back of the head by their mama.

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