Do You Really Love Me? P2.

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Notes: Karen thinks about getting surgery done to try too look normal again after her skin has completed the healing stage so, she can try to live a normal life.

It was now 5 months later and Karen's skin had completed the healing stage she had gone through all of the therapy work that was involved with it as well and things were looking better for her especially since the last time where she was checked into a mental hospital by Dr.Womack under patient's care since she had wanted to check her ownself in under her own name but she was too afraid to do that because of the stigma.

So, when she had went back into her therapy session with Drew after her skin was finally healed of the wounds she no longer needed to wear bandages in certain places but she did feel comfortable with having a pressure gear on to hide some of the scars that had formed on her arms during the fire after being yanked around and knocked out by the person who caused her to be a burn victim.

But lately, Karen hadn't been thinking about herself as a burn victim she had been thinking of herself now as a burn survivor which Dr.Womack was proud of her for she was proud of Karen for getting to that stage because she knew it wasn't easy for her. And, Dr.Womack wasn't the only person that was proud of her, Karen's family was proud of her as well all except for Dorinda who's attitude had completely changed for the worst. She had somehow gotten a good lawyer who had helped her with filing for custody of Aidden and though it was a long and tedious process to file and to have that petition done, Dorinda was determined to permanetly keep Aidden.

But Dorinda didn't know what was coming for her because when she had those papers served at Drew's and Karen's house about Aidden with putting a restraining order against Karen making it even difficult for her to see her own son, Drew had thanked God that he had his plans already set in motion because Dorinda was gonna be in for a surprise. She didn't know what was gonna hit her. She thought she had a good lawyer well just know that Drew and Karen had an even better one at that and plus some more who had completed their team to which they told no family members about because they wanted what they were gonna do to Dorinda to remain a secret.

They had to wait until it was the perfect time to let everyone know because Dorinda had lost her got damn mind with trying to take Aidden away from them.

But while Karen was in therapy and she had went over how she felt about losing Dorinda as a sister and a friend, Karen still had hopes that Dorinda would turn around before their would be no reconilitation between the two. But ever since, Dorinda had made Karen bow down to her humiliating her for the second time and lying to her face about being able to see her son if she had done that she broke down in tears in Dr.Womack's office just talking about how much that had hurt her. "I don't understand what I did to her." Karen cried into a tissue.

"I mean. I know at first I couldn't control my alters but they did that to everybody not just her." Karen wept. "And then, I found out that she-she stole, Mr.bunny and messed him up." Karen cried. "She cut him open." She wept seeing that she couldn't find the bunny that comforted her in her times of need whenever she thought about Andrew and the pain was too great to talk about and Dr.Womack just held her. "Well do you want another one?" Dr.Womack asked her having more for her patients but Karen just shook her head no this time.

And even though, Dr.Womack was surprised at Karen's answer she was proud of her for not wanting it.

"No, I think I'm okay without him now. It's just that it still helped me but I can manage without having another one and I don't wanna keep getting hurt because someone keeps taking him and destroying him." Karen wept into her same tissue that she had been holding earlier and Drew was there by her side just rubbing her back. "Honey it'll be okay we're gonna get this Dorinda situation straightened out in no time." She told her. " I don't wanna lose my best friend for something that I couldn't control." Karen cried leaning into Drew's shoulder literally crying on his and so, Dr.Womack let her have that time to cry too mourn the lost of the stuffed animal because she knew if she didn't let her then, Alice was gonna come out and make a visit and they didn't want that happening again since they hadn't seen nor heard from Alice in months and the same can be said for Quintella.

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