The set-up

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: It's a few weeks later and Andrew's first birthday have arrived and the feelings takes over for the grieving parents.

It was now his a few weeks closer to his birthday and the siblings have been trying non-stop to get too the album book that Karen had always protected from everyone no one could go too it. Hell even would be brought out if someone tried to touch it. So, when they couldn't get it around Karen they went to Drew.

They had to disguise their answer in a slick way so that he didn't know what they were doing for them. They had already called in some of their close friend and close family members to come to the party and the ones who were called they were going to be there for them seeing that Karen had really struggled with going to her son's funeral.

It was literally the saddest thing that any of them had ever seen. Both, Drew and Leo had to hold up Karen as she walked in because it was as if all the feelings in her legs had gone out right after her eyes had landed on her son's small casket.

Karen couldn't bare to even have her son cremated thinking about the pain that he was already put through when he had died. And even though he was no longer there with them and in the back of her mind she knew that he couldn't have possibly felt the pain her brain just wouldn't let her register that.

And Drew felt the same way he wanted his son to be one and that was just their belief as parents together. They both couldn't believe that they had to bury their son so young. If anything sometimes they thought that his sickness would've been easier to deal with than what they were currently having to go through. Drew hated seeing his wife in so much pain especially since she was the one to witness it and he had felt guilty for the longest time.

So, yes the both of them did cry at their sons funeral unashamed to do so because some people thought that Drew should've held in his feelings since he was a man. But the couple didn't care this was their time to grieve over their son and this was literally the only time that Drew had with his wife to grieve him together before she started to not talk too him about it and shut herself off. And he knew she did that because she was suffering from depression afterwards.


So, Karen was snugged all the way into her husband's chest during the funeral just crying her heart out while Drew held her and wept with his parents on each of their sides.

"It's okay baby just let it out." Mama Sheard told Karen as she soothingly massaged her back while she was sobbing hard while helping to hold her in Drew's arms while the preacher was preaching and though he was preaching a good Word the pain was still too great.

Some people were still stuck on the fact that Drew was even showing his feelings because of the mentality that they had which was "Men shouldn't cry they should just toughen up" but that wasn't the case for him. Drew was both tough and was able to show his feelings in a healthy way that he knew was going to best for both him and his wife because if he hadn't had done that then other people who didn't have that same exact mentality were going to think that one he didn't care and two Karen was probably gonna realize sooner or later that he didn't cry at their son's funeral and then their were going to be even more problems especially with how her mind was now and she was probably going to think that he didn't care and had really hated her.

So, he ain't pay those people no mind about what they thought about him crying at his own son's funeral. It was his own way to release the pain that he had been feeling and it was a way that he could be there for his wife.

End of flashback.

So, Drew thought about the photo album and got the book for them and so, they looked in it flipping quickly to the picture before, Karen could come back into the room and they were able to take a good picture of it. "Thank you, so much Drew. It's just that we don't have one of y'all all together and we know how Karen feels about letting people see it even if it is just us." Dorinda said as she thanked and hugged, Drew. "You're welcome. Don't tell her I let y'all see it." Drew said giving them a soft smile and so, the siblings had left going back to Jacky's house to plan the party for Karen and Drew to celebrate their late-nephews first birthday party.

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