The audacity

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Notes: Drew thinks of the different possibilities that could be wrong with Karen while J.Drew and Karen get into it.

It was the next week and Drew had constantly been having conversations with the siblings about Karen's recent behavior. He still couldn't find the balls to tell them about what he had found on the camera because he knew if they knew what the pills were then, Drew was going to be in danger of having to face Dorinda if he thought that's what it was because he knew his wife wasn't taking no drugs. But even then, Drew thought to himself that Karen would've been showing some type of symptoms by now if she was pregnant like in all her other pregnancies thinking back to the last time when they had last had sex.

He at least would've seen a small baby bump or noticed a somewhat hard spot in her stomach and then he would've noticed her cravings and morning sickness because during all of Karen's pregnancies she's just had the weirdest cravings for certain foods. And he would have to go out and get them for her especially if it was in the middle of the night. And so, he shook his he again since didn't see none of that and so, he wrote that idea off feeling relieved because he didn't feel like getting into a fight with Dorinda. Sometimes it felt like arguing with Dorinda was worse than arguing with Karen's alters whenever they came out especially if the argument was about Karen.

Drew didn't know who was worse sometimes and Dorinda didn't even have a reason to be yelling like how she did like how Karen have a legit reason. But then, Drew thought about it and he thought to himself that Doe did kinda have a reason and her reasoning was that Karen was the baby and she was always shy and quiet when growing up and Dorinda always protected her, even now. But more especially, now since the robbery happened and Dorinda's overprotective-ness of Karen was worser than their older siblings protectiveness of Karen.

Because no matter how much, Dorinda didn't like Alice or thought that Alice was just a little weird and creepy, Dorinda still wouldn't let a stranger talk mess about Karen even if Alice was out because Alice was more overly sensitive than Karen and they did not have the time to try too calm, Alice down in public when people didn't know that Karen Clark Sheard had alters.

So, it was almost immediate when Dorinda would jump up and step to anybody who was slick trying to talk smack to Karen not knowing that it was Alice. Because if there's one thing Alice was gonna do after she finishes crying it's to fight you and they ain't need for Alice to go too jail.

You could make Alice cry all day long but as soon as she finishes you need to run.

So, Dorinda basically had to become best friends with Alice and she would comfort her in public whenever she needed to take a moment to go in the dressing room and cry it out and then, Dorinda would always have the stuffed bunny rabbit from Karen's house with her so, she could give it to her. Dorinda just doesn't understand why Karen would never take the stuffed animal with her knowing that she might need it when they're out in public. She wasn't sure if Karen thought that she was embarrassed to need it or felt humiliated by having it with her since Alice would be squeezing it so, hard when she sobbed. She ain't know what it was but she figured she had to be that but Dorinda didn't care and every time they would go over to Karen's house before a performance, Dorinda would always grab it for Alice just in case if she needed it.

Then, not only have Alice made public appearances after Karen would finish singing and the hosts would ask her about the murder of her newborn son, almost being killed herself, and robbery, Karen would go away for days at a time and during those days, Drew would opt out to sleep on the couch especially if Quintella would not leave and when the kids had noticed him sleeping on the couch they thought that they had gotten into an argument and Karen had finally kicked him out of the bedroom. All, Drew had to say now was "Quin or Alice" and they knew to leave their mother alone.

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