Heartbreak To Hell 💔

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Notes: Karen wakes up and asks for her son forgetting that he can't come home with her.

After, Karen woke up from getting her treatment, Drew was already in her room watching his wife sleep. When she was awake she still felt hurt like someone had stabbed her in the chest after her husband had told her that they won't be keeping their baby.

When Karen had turned her head over to her right side she saw him and rolled her eyes at him.

"How you're feeling?" Drew asked her looking at his wife as he pulled up the chair closer to her bed. But Karen was giving him the silent treatment. "Baby I know you're mad but it was only to help you." He told her again but this time she only folded her arms and pouted and he knew that Karen was being stubborn.

"You'll get him again just not now." Drew said looking at his wife who wasn't paying him no mind and she was just looking at the other wall to avoid having to look at him.

"Karen is there something that I can do?" Drew asked his wife seeing that she was upset and hurt.

But Karen still didn't answer him she just straight up ignored him as if he wasn't even standing there.

Once, Drew tried talking to his wife who was no longer speaking to him, Dr.Womack came in the room to discuss their planning for further assistance on how they can help Karen with her disorder while talking about what they were gonna do next for their therapy sessions since they were basically back at square one.

"Do you have any questions?" Dr.Womack had asked Karen but Karen only looked away from her for a moment and then, Dr.Womack turned back to Drew until Karen started talking again.

"When can I see my baby?" Karen asked her and Dr.Womack swallowed that hard lump in her throat as she looked back at Drew.

"I'm sure your husband discussed everything with you on the matters of your child." Dr.Womack said but Karen just stared her down gritting her teeth since Quintella was nearby.

"Good gawd almighty." Dr.Womack said seeing that Quin was about to come and she had to defuse the situation quickly because she wasn't about to explain anything to Quin without talking to Karen first that would just be a hot mess.

"You can see your son once you complete your treatment." Dr.Womack told her but Karen still didn't like that answer.

"But I already completed my treatment what more do I need to see the child that I birthed?!" Karen asked her pointing to herself.

"Karen you know I mean your therapeutic treatment along with your medication and you have to pass your evaluations." Dr.Womack said. "But so far you haven't passed any of your mental health evaluation's." Dr.Womack told her and Karen tried not to get worked up again.

"What do you mean I haven't passed them?!" Karen asked her trying not to freak out.

So, Dr.Womack looked at Drew and back at Karen. "Karen you're unstable you're not stable enough to keep him and you haven't been stable enough to even have this child since the first time I told the both of you to refrain from any sexual activity because I didn't want this happening." Dr.Womack told her but then Karen got offended.

"Are you calling me crazy?!" Karen asked her folding her arms in bed. "No, I'm not doing that." Dr.Womack told her. "Then, why can't I see my FUCKING son?!" Karen yelled at her and she was shocked to hear this from Karen and only Karen. But she also knew that Karen was about to mad as hell once she found out about everything else and she still didn't take Karen cussing at her personally. She's seen and heard worse but Karen was slowly but surely getting there and she wanted to prevent Karen from going to that place because she saw and recognized the signs.

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