My Crown

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Notes: After Dorinda and Karen makes up Karen finally decides to show her family her true self after the attack since she had been fixing herself up.

Once, Dorinda and Karen had made up and was back to normal Karen couldn't help but to think about what Dorinda said about her hair. Yes, Karen had bald patches in her hair. No, it wasn't because of old age. But it was because of the attack and because of her hair condition that she had developed after the attack where she would nervously pull out her hair from time to time which is called, trichotillomania that's apart of OCD and is classified as an anxiety disorder.

"Drew do you think I should finally show them?" Karen nervously asked her husband as she was staring at herself in the mirror. "I mean if you want too." Drew said coming up behind his wife wrapping his arms around her.

"Do you want too? Are you comfortable enough with it or is it about what Dorinda said about your hair?" Drew asked her and Karen sighed tilting her head to the left. "It's about what she said." Karen told him. "Well then if you're not ready than you don't have to show them yet." He told her.

"I know, Drew but they're my siblings I'm supposed to be able to trust them about anything and I haven't been completely honest with them when it came to my appearance." Karen said as she looked at the makeup that was now off of her face and stared at the bruise that had looked permanent on her skin which she got during the attack.

"I just. I just I still don't feel pretty without everything." Karen said talking about her wigs and her makeup that she wears.

"But you areee I still love you the same." Drew said and it made her smile a little.

"My hair is messed up. My hair is teeth is messed up. My skin. Everything." Karen said. "I wasn't that pretty before and I'm definitely not now and Dorinda was right I'm bald-headed." Karen whined looking down at her wig that she was holding.

"Honey. You're not ugly and you're not messed up and you're most definitely not bald headed. Forget about what your sister said she was just talking out of anger." Drew told her.

"And plus, Dr.Womack said that your hair can grow back as soon as we get your condition under control. It won't be long before you know it." Drew said gently rubbing his wife on his shoulders.

"But according to Dorinda I'm nothing but a bald-headed bitch who every one secretly hates." Karen said shrugging her shoulders thinking about putting back on her wig again after examining her bald spots and the patch where the men had roughly grabbed her yanking out her hair in the process of dragging her downstairs to where it nearly, ruined her scalp. But luckily, it didn't. It was just sore for some days after they had yanked a hand full of hair out because she was struggling to go with them since she didn't want too.

After, Karen had put back on her wig she had finally decided to take it off just to show them what she really looks like now since nobody knew except for her husband and her kids. But she barely ever took her wig off in front of her grand kids because they don't know her without the full head of hair and she didn't wanna frighten them too much if this was too much for them to process. So, here Karen was taking off her wig after her sister who was supposed to be her best friend talked trash about it. She thought to herself her family could've done the nice thing and told her that they still saw a few of the bald patches instead of not saying anything about it and if the wigs weren't working they could've pulled her to the side and told her that too.

But no, it came out in a fit of rage where, Dorinda just had to say it in a way that was damaging and now Karen wasn't sure if she was ever going to go back to wearing the wigs since everybody had apparently seen the bald spots over time and never said anything about it.

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