The Truth Revealed P3

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Notes: A continuation from the last chapter.

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of attempted suicide. Emotional scene near the end. But just continue reading it because God saves.

After, Karen had made her way into the attic which was one of her favorite places in the house that only her and Dorinda knew about after finding Karen in there one day just chilling she was now talking to her alters.

"I knew you should've waited until you were nine months pregnant and just hid the pregnancy all the way!" Quin lightly hollered at her.

"Well then why didn't you tell me that in the first place because I'm over here thinking that they were gonna be happy for me and they aren't!" Karen hollered at her. "If we would've waited for that long then we might as well were to come up with a plan to just take Andrew and go somewhere that no one would find us after I had went into labor. They didn't need to know I was pregnant did they?" Karen questioned herself confused.

"No they didn't because they reacted poorly!" Quintella said. "Actually they all reacted horribly and I just say it's time for all of us to get out of here because we're tired of this shit aren't we Alice?!" Quin rhetorically asked her. But Alice agreed.

"Like if they don't want you with a new baby and they aren't gonna support you then where does that leave you?! Where does that leave us?!" Quin questioned her.

"It's not like they actually like me anymore anyways." Karen said looking outside her window.

"I don't even know if they love me anymore I mean I just get yelled at all the time like I'm child." Karen started crying and then Alice did the same as well which caused Karen to become even more stressed and then, Quin was just pissed off and sick of everything and it was like her alters were overtaking her at the same time.

"They don't really care about me." Karen cried trying to wipe the heavy tears that were falling down her face.

"Drew doesn't want this baby." Karen cried. "My siblings don't want another nephew." Karen cried again but then once she was in the middle of weeping and feeling severely depressed as she had went over to the window there was a knock on the attic door.

"Karen?!" Dr.Womack said calling her and Karen was shocked at the sound of her voice.

"Karen sweetie are you in there?" Dr.Womack called for her but Karen just ignored her even though Dr.Womack heard her walking around the attic.

"Karen would you mind if you unlocked the door I just want to talk too you. Say hi." Dr.Womack said trying to get through too Karen before she did anything to harm herself.

"Noo. Just go back home." Karen said wiping her eyes while still crying and sniffling.

"I just need to be alone right now." Karen said trying not to sound as if she was crying.

"Karen I know you're hurting but isolating yourself isn't going to help you." Dr.Womack said trying to talk too her in a calmer manner than what her family did. Because that's what she needed right now. She needed the support no matter how bad this seemed.

"That's what I need!" Karen whined finally talking to her to try too keep her distracted.

"Why do you think you need to be isolated?" Dr.Womack sweetly asked her trying to figure out more ways on how to help Karen since she was now in an emergency mental health crisis.

"Because everyone's mad at me, they all hate me, they don't want me to have Andrew. The only people that are actually supportive of me right now is Quin and Alice." Karen said shrugging her shoulders as if Dr.Womack could see them.

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