Remembering the horror

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Karen tries to remember what happened the night that there home was broken into.

TW: Now, before y'all start reading I want y'all to read this through and through. This is going to be a very EMOTIONAL chapter. I don't know how many times I have to say that but yeah. But It's going to be VERY EMOTIONAL it's a whole flashback of what happened with Karen as it says in the notes. So, there's going to be blood, humiliation, and nudity (no not that type of nudity just regular taunting no S.A.). Now, I must warn y'all again that there will be stabbing and there will be a shooting I'm not gonna say of who here because I kind of mentioned it in the last chapter but I don't know if y'all caught that or not. But it's gonna be more touched on in depth in this chapter. So with that being said continue on with the story and thank you for the support! 🫶🏾

"So, Karen your family says that you've been experiencing somethings that are not reality?" Dr.Womack rheotircally asked her and Karen just looked at her nodding her head yes. "It's okay to be nervous about that with what you've experienced you will go through moments where your reality may either seem to be warped or distorted." Dr.Womack told her. "And that's to be expected." She told Karen. "However what we haven't done is gone over what actually happened in detail and one of your alters, Quintella suggested that maybe you should tell that instead of having someone else do it. If you remember or would like too. Remember there's no pressure if you don't want to talk about it but it may help us identify how these alters came to be." Dr.Womack said to her and so, Karen just nervously looked around her office almost as if she was in a daze. But she had only been back for a few hours. So with deciding what to do Karen closed her eyes for a moment telling them, "I'll try." And Karen went back to that day.


It was a Wednesday, afternoon when everyone had gone to church except for Karen since she had just had a newborn a few months ago and she was still healing from the c-section since it was too risky for her to have a regular birth even with the epidural. So, far she could walk around and she had just gotten off of bed rest per her doctors orders. But she still wasn't allowed to do much outside of home so, that meant she couldn't go back to church just yet like she had wanted too. She was going to be one happy mother when she went back to church with her newborn in hand along with her other two kids as well as her husband. Her and Drew had always wanted a big family. But Karen had to admit that Drew was the one who wanted 5 kids and she was just good with 2 or 3 because she was the one who had to go do all that pushing while he just had to hold her hand.

"Alright honey, I'm a go to the church now, Ki and J.Drew are already setting up there for Bible Study." Drew said as he kissed his wife who was laying in bed just relaxing her body after taking care of their baby all day. "Call me if you need anything. Send for me if you will." Drew said making Karen smile, "And I'll bring myself right home to you." He told and Karen let out a chuckle. "I'll be fine you go have fun at the church with Bible Study tonight remember I'll be there next with Andrew." Karen said giving him a wide smile. "It's been a long ride trying to get him too come home. But he's finally here." Drew said kissing his wife on the lips after he had checked on their son that was asleep. "Alright now go before you be late and you're the Bishop." Karen said. "You sure you don't want me to stay with you?" Drew asked his wife arching an eyebrow seeing that she was a bit older in age than when she had Ki and J.Drew cause she was 55 now. " I'm fine, me and Andrew will be okay. I'll be waiting for you when you come back." Karen said winking her eyebrow. "Let me go before you get me in trouble girl." Drew said giving his wife another peck on the lips again and rushing out of the house.

So, with that being said, Karen was waiting for her family to come home as it was now 8:30pm as she was just now getting ready for bed. When she was getting ready for bed, Karen would usually check all the alarm systems especially if Drew wasn't home for the night and so, she did that making sure that everything was secure and all the windows were locked and it was.

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