Unraveling P2

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter have violence in it and attempted murder along. So, please brace yourselves!!!

It's now been four months and Karen had yet to tell her family that she was pregnant. She was just glad that she had even made it this far into her pregnancy without losing the baby. She had been taking her medication but sometimes she had to stop taking them because it was getting too much for her to take after her doctor had ran some tests on her and it made her bipolar symptoms worse than before for when she went off of them which caused more fights within her family.

She thought about telling them about her pregnancy but when they kept talking about how her alters would act up and how she would slip up on wanting another boy she would shake her head no terrified that they would still make her somehow give up the baby.

But even though things in the last few weeks had gone well with Alice, Quintella on the other hand had been raising hell for those who even dared tried to step across Karen while she was still secretly pregnant.

"Karen what the hell?" Dorinda asked her seeing her baby sister catch an entire attitude after unnecessarily arguing with her. " Are you taking your medicine?" Dorinda asked her genuinely concerned for her. "Yes, I am. Drew watch me take it everyday what are you mom?!" Karen smartly said rolling her eyes. "No, I'm not but I am concerned about you, you're just picking fights for absolutely no reason at all." Dorinda said looking at her sister like she needed help.

"Well you shouldn't be so protective of me then if you can't handle it." Karen barked at her rolling her eyes. "I'm just trying to help you out but the next time someone comes stepping towards you like they crazy don't look at me to help you." Dorinda shirked. "No one fucking asked you to be my baby sitter, Dorinda!" Karen yelled at her and then they started getting into an argument not knowing that it was Karen's pregnancy hormones talking. "Bitch am I talking to Quintella or Karen?!" Dorinda spat at her rolling her neck pissing Karen off but then, Quin heard her name being called.

"Excuse fucking me?" Quin said looking at Alice while she listened to what was going on.

"Oh so, YOU'RE GONNA JUST THROW MY DISORDER IN MY FACE JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE DOES, HUH?!" Karen hollered at her getting ready to cry again.

"GIRL FUCK YOU AND YOUR DISORDER. YOU BALD-HEADED ASS BITCH WITH THE MESSED UP PATCHES IN YOUR HAIR! YOU THOUGHT I DIDN'T SEE IT?!" Dorinda yelled at her. "WE'VE ALLLL SEEN IT BUT THEY DECIDED TO SPARE YOUR GOT DAMN FEELINGS ONCE AGAIN BUT NOT ME!" Dorinda hollered at her making Karen silently cry even more as she tried to swallow her tears but that wasn't working.

Then the siblings were just standing at the bottom of the steps hearing what was going on along with Drew.

"TRYIN' TO COVER UP THOSE BALD HEADED SPOTS OF YOURS WITH THOSE OLD ASS, DIRTY ASS WIGS, JUST LIKE YOUR DIRTY ASS PERSONALITY!" Dorinda barked at her making Karen's tears fall down even harder than before as she tried to silently wipe them.

"YOU DONKEY ASS BASTARD!" Karen hollered at her older sister who was supposed to be her best friend.

"YOU CRAZY ASS, TRIFLING ASS BITCH THAT CAN'T EVEN KEEP HER BABY SAFE!" Dorinda hollered at Karen who was trying to keep it together. "YOU DIDN'T DESERVE HIM NO WAY WITH HOW YOUR CRAZY ASS BE ACTING!" Dorinda yelled at her.

"DORINDA THAT'S ENOUGHHHHHHHH!" Jacky hollered at their little sister who was being ignorant and had kept going in on Karen cutting even deeper than before and Jacky went to go after her so she could stop, Dorinda from doing any damage to herself.

"NO, I DON'T EVEN SEE HOW DREW EVEN LOVES HER BALD-HEADED ASS?!" Doe yelled at them. "DAMN IT, DORINDA STOP TALKIN' ABOUT MY WIFE!" Drew yelled at his sister-in-law. "BITCH WHO THE FUCK YOU'RE YELLING AT WHEN YOU CAN'T EVEN KEEP HER IN CHECK DON'T FORGET THAT YOU CAN CATCH THESE HANDS TOO!" Dorinda yelled at him as well but then yelled again at Karen because her feelings were truly hurt.

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